Example sentences of "[noun] because [pers pn] knew [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel sat there in the back of the Mercedes , unable to give him the stinging retort on her lips because she knew he would do what he promised , and she had a profound fear that the minute he made love to her fully the feelings she was desperately trying to suppress would keel over and completely overwhelm her , leaving her not just vulnerable but absolutely devastated by the reality of what they were .
2 He relied on me a great deal because he knew I always knew what to do .
3 You dreaded anyone coming in for fabric because you knew you would n't be able to get more than three yards without a fault . ’
4 I waited for her to bring up the subject of Graham 's murder because I knew she would have been very upset .
5 As far as I 'm concerned , I went to Hector because I knew him and I knew he 'd let me have a boat cheaply , and I 've used it since then — since the fifteenth — for pleasure , and now to come over and look my people up .
6 And I thought they were going to the meeting er on Friday because I knew they were both off
7 He did not tell his parents because he knew they would try to change his mind but he confided in a colleague at work .
8 He went back to the mill because he knew he belonged there .
9 ‘ When I had the idea of setting up a promotions business , I immediately thought of Pete because I knew I could work with him .
10 But in between meals , for tea and whenever they went out Jill relied on Farley 's Rusks because she knew it was a name she could trust .
11 My mother and father both encouraged me in my playing , but I was n't encouraged to get into the business because they knew it was kind of tough .
12 erm arguing and er they was going on about this because if Mrs went to a farm and then said that she saw some hens there that did n't look particularly fit erm and said they 'd got to be culled and if the farmer thought otherwise then we got into all sorts of tangles because we knew nothing about poultry .
13 And he said : ‘ I 've been in a state of panic on a snooker table at various times during the past two or three years because I knew I was n't playing well .
14 Carol became involved with the group because she knew someone with Leukaemia and wanted to help .
15 I pretended to despise such modern aids , but that was really a defensive reaction because I knew I could never afford such frills for Masquerade .
16 She was the leader because she knew what she wanted to do , but he knew many things she did not , although she was not prepared to admit that to him .
17 Now I wonder how many people came to North last night because they knew there was n't gon na be a sermon .
18 She occupied herself with studying a map on the opposite wall because she knew she would have to change trains at some point .
19 ‘ What I 'd like you to know is that when it was all over and Peter was back from America , the grave-diggers were down here on their bended knees begging him for forgiveness because they knew it was a nasty business and said had they known at the time they 'd have had nothing to do with it . ’
20 But it was hypocritical sarcasm because she knew she would have done the same as him .
21 She said she had not complained at the paratroopers ' barracks because she knew she would be in trouble for being out of bounds .
22 I told my friends I was going to the dentist this afternoon because I knew they 'd be jealous if they knew I 'd seen Home Alone 2 before anyone else .
23 The sight of him like that gladdened my heart because I knew his news must be good .
24 I would say conditions were a wee bit easier a wee bit you had a wee bit more freedom because they knew they could not replace anybody if they gave the sack .
25 He treated Clarissa 's interjection with particular scorn because he knew she thoroughly approved of the Prime Minister 's contribution to peace .
26 The simplest account for the relationship between risk and recall in this study was that subjects recalled the risky situations because they knew it was an experiment about risk , this knowledge could have affected their performance both at encoding and at retrieval .
27 You knew immediately that Jancey had stuffed these guys into her flat because she knew I 'd come for a showdown , and it had to be tonight .
28 It was the nature of the place , he thought , perched up there on its remote peak , its back turned to the world , all the more obsessed with its petty intrigues and scandals because it knew them to be of no interest whatever to anyone else .
29 And , and you think to yourself oh we 've seen everything , but I used to get pleasure in taking somebody to the potteries because I knew they had n't seen it and it would be like ooh , when they got there , you could see the shock , the surprise in their eyes when they went in there
30 I heard the tyres screech and quickly moved my right leg because I knew he was about to make contact .
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