Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] include a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 LAMDA ( London Academy of Music and Drama ) runs a one-year course for overseas students only , which although not set up as a post-graduate course may include a number of students with extensive university theatre experience as well as some professional experience .
2 Almost certain to be snapped up by a National League side , Heath will move to England — probably Manchester — next season , while his summer plans may include a trip to the North American leg of the PSA circuit .
3 For the those interested in photography or sculpture , a tour of the galleries should include a detour to Schöneberg .
4 If there are no such circumstances , the notice of resignation must include a statement to that effect .
5 A suite of software development tools for digital signal processor should include a cross assembler , a linker , a software simulator and a high level language ( HLL ) compiler which usually means a C compiler .
6 All units may include a standard bearer and/or musician , and these cost double the points value of an ordinary trooper .
7 Whether course of employment in a particular statute should include a tea break or the trip to work may be better decided by a tribunal staffed with a lawyer chairman and ‘ wing ’ members representing the interests of trade unionists and employers rather than the ordinary courts .
8 The Pakistani Prime Minister , Mohammad Khan Junejo , and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain agreed in April 1987 that a peace settlement for Afghanistan should include a commitment to establish ‘ a neutral non-aligned ’ regime in Kabul .
9 This Review must include a report on the competition between different categories of alcoholic drink .
10 Afternoon snacks might include a biscuit or a piece of cake .
11 Gifts for the cracker could include a badge , sweets , or a keyring .
12 A report in the Financial Times of April 21 , summarizing interviews with economic officials , said that the next stage in the Russian government 's economic reform programme would include a relaxation of tight controls on budget spending , in force in the first quarter of 1992 .
13 The vote will include a strike option but an immediate walkout is unlikely .
14 Billed as the Wedgwood Group Carnival Day 1993 and It 's A Knockout , one of the main attractions will include a pottery antiques roadshow with valuations by expert Peter Williams , author of ‘ Wedgwood — A Collector 's Guide ’ .
15 ‘ Other attractions will include a fairground organ , a miniature steam railway and a couple of scale traction engines .
16 His itinerary will include a talk and reading at Poetry Live in Middlesbrough , workshops in Berwick and Hexham , readings in Newcastle and Darlington , and talks to pupils in schools at Darlington , Hexham and Bishop Auckland .
17 Coupon techniques may be used by one producer or supplier as a promotion for its goods or services , or the plan may include a number of different producers ' products under one name .
18 This conviction on the part of executive management should include a willingness to sustain an experimental attitude throughout the change effort and to stick with the effort .
19 In order to conform with SSAP9 , companies must include a note in their accounts to the effect that : ’ Stocks are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value .
20 The statements suggest that annual reports of plcs and large private companies should include a statement about directors ' responsibilities , acknowledging the role directors ' play in the preparation of the financial statements , and their responsibilities for the decision on whether a going concern basis is appropriate , and for ensuring that adequate financial controls are in place .
21 To induce speculators to take on net long positions , they have to be compensated with an expected return from the long position that exceeds the risk-free rate ; i.e. , their return must include a risk premium .
22 Such effects could include a reduction to the natural reservoir that replenishes beaches under natural conditions , and damage to the marine ecosystem .
23 Such effects could include a reduction to the natural reservoir that replenishes beaches under natural conditions , and damage to the marine ecosystem .
24 er Again it 's difficult to say , the information has been leaking out from the talks , er it does n't look as though a pay formula is being included but Roger Pulne , er even on the onset of this dispute guaranteed the members er that any deal that was struck with management would include a pay formula and er if the deal does n't come out with a pay formula after the ballot as I say , I think people are going to be very disappointed and let-down by our union negotiators .
25 The first session will include a presentation outlining the design of the ESRC- funded 1991/2 British Election Study ; a report on the results of an ESRC-funded pilot study of the introduction of computer-assisted interviews into the British Election Study ; and an alternative design for an election survey based on the research design utilised by equivalent studies in the United States and Canada .
26 An accompanying exhibition of Pre-Raphaelite paintings mounted by Peter Nahum will include a work by Burne-Jones priced at £85,000 .
27 The experimental law will include a phrase to counter the excuse offered by many bowlers when their actions are questioned .
28 The tour at Weston Favell will include a visit to the Consumer Advice Centre .
29 An important element of such an ecological morality will include a style of ecological justice which is vigilant for a symbiosis of humanity and nature .
30 A reference by the Director may include a proposal for a ministerial order dealing with the consumer trade practice , section 17 .
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