Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] not be regarded " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-five watts may not be regarded as knockout stuff , but as Fender are quick to point out , ‘ Tube watts sound a lot louder than solid state watts . ’
2 However , the Yates decision should not be regarded as authority for the proposition that a collection of individually non-confidential items of information can not be the subject of confidentiality where the confidentiality lies in the fact that they are collected together .
3 These groups should not be regarded as representative of the Cardiff population : the 1991 census data records a Bangladeshi population of 1663 , some 0.6% of the total .
4 It is certainly important to measure the plasma potassium concentration during acute administration of theophylline ( for example , after overdose or in acute severe asthma ) , since hypokalaemia may require treatment , but the plasma potassium concentration should not be regarded as a useful measure of the action of theophylline during long term therapy .
5 Tempting though they are , books should not be regarded as natural repositories or presses , especially for botanical specimens .
6 ( 2 ) An institution shall not be regarded as conducting its business in a prudent manner unless it maintains or , as the case may be , will maintain net assets which , together with other financial resources available to the institution of such nature and amount as are considered appropriate by the Bank , are — ( a ) of an amount which is commensurate with the nature and scale of the institution 's operations ; and ( b ) of an amount and nature sufficient to safeguard the interests of its depositors and potential depositors , having regard to the particular factors mentioned in sub-paragraph ( 3 ) below and any other factors appearing to the Bank to be relevant .
7 Without such formal arrangements , attempts to fix the franc 's parity against the D-mark will not be regarded as credible .
8 The space-time co-ordinates can not be regarded as simple unstructured cues to interpretation in context .
9 These offences can not be regarded as trivial because sometimes they result in an employee 's or innocent bystander 's death , serious injury , or permanently impaired health .
10 Since the overall budget had n't increased , the Making Belfast Work money could not be regarded as additional to that budget .
11 Moreover , apart from this defect , the election could not be regarded as complete until he had received his pallium from the pope , and he would be liable to deposition unless he received it within a year of his consecration .
12 The standard of proof for Permanent Total Disablement payment is high and the fact that weekly benefit has been paid for the full period should not be regarded as intent to make a Capital Benefit payment .
13 The movement of the mind into the transcendent should not be regarded as extraordinary or amazing .
14 Whichever terms are used , their contents should not be regarded as absolute .
15 If a Bill does not obtain the approval of a majority in each House , or if the Parliament Acts are not complied with , or if the Royal Assent is withheld , the product should not be regarded as an authentic Act of Parliament .
16 In general , PCs should not be regarded as belonging exclusively to one user , as this has resulted in extreme peaks and troughs in individual machine usage .
17 The legislation makes some attempt to list circumstances in which consent will not be regarded as present , but the list is short and is not intended to be comprehensive .
18 Such caution has to be offset , however , by the rapidly growing body of evidence in favour of a commercial role , despite the fact that many important manufacturing and trading activities seldom left debris which survives except in the most favourable circumstances ; the absence of recognizable evidence within individual buildings can not be regarded , therefore , as proof of a non-specialist role .
19 Lastly , the points used in the control group can not be regarded as suitable : electrical stimulation of needles only 2 cm from the real points is unlikely to be without some effect .
20 They considered that a building or product can not be regarded as a complex structure if it has been wholly constructed or manufactured by one person , so as to form a single indivisible unit .
21 Eating and Drinking in Edinburgh is a selective guide but omission from its pages should not be regarded as implying criticism .
22 There is no reason why a policeman should not be regarded as the victim of this conduct .
23 It used to be thought that bonds should be included in a definition of the net worth of the private sector , but this has been challenged by R. J. Barro ( 1974 ) , who has argued that bonds should not be regarded as part of the net worth of the private sector since the non-monetary liabilities of the government are a burden on this generation and on future generations .
24 Conflict should not be regarded as a purely negative issue .
25 Nevertheless , until direct evidence of such an effect has been obtained through the supplementary use of IPV , combined schedules should not be regarded as a substitute for the proven strategy of mass vaccination campaigns for the global eradication programme .
26 ‘ We do not think it is possible to deny that there are circumstances in which individuals may justifiably choose to enter into a homosexual relationship ... [ although ] such a relationship could not be regarded as the moral or social equivalent of marriage . '
27 The theses that Latin American socio-economic structures could not be regarded as simply a local variant of European feudalism , and that the agrarian economy was already incorporated into the capitalist system were restated and developed , and the argument that the revolution in Latin America could only be socialist reasserted .
28 It would depend both on his precise mental state , whether he was capable of lucid moments at the particular time , and the particular treatment involved ; for instance , refusal of therapeutic drugs prescribed to control dangerous behaviour would not be regarded in the same light as refusal to have a tooth extracted .
29 He argues that dreams can not be regarded as a neurotic symptom if everyone dreams — unless everyone is neurotic .
30 Findings based on very limited evidence can not be regarded as being firmly established and need to be verified by means of additional observations and cases .
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