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1 Just across the Dean Bridge beside the imposing facade of Stewarts Melville college can be found the gracious Victorian setting of the Queensway Hotel .
2 At Washford can be found the ruins of 13th century Cleeve Abbey , the Tropiquaria tropical house and aquarium and a museum of railway relics .
3 In this court could be found the money changers who changed the ‘ unclean ’ currencies such as Roman money into the sacred Temple money for the payment of Temple collections .
4 In the burial ground will be found the graves of many distinguished men including Thomas de Quincey , author of Confessions of an Opium Eater .
5 Caerleon , the legionary fortress of Isca , boasts the atmospheric remains of a Roman amphitheatre and baths complex , whilst in the beautiful Wye Valley can be found the substantial ruins of Tintern Abbey and Chepstow Castle .
6 Nowhere to the west of the Wallace Line can be found the giant Cassowary , Birds of Paradise or marsupials of Australasia , and nowhere to the east of it are found the tigers , elephants , primates and early man which crossed the land-bridge once connecting Java , Sumatra and Borneo to mainland Asia .
7 In the church vestry can be found the unsmiling and stalwart statue of Queen Elizabeth 1 .
8 All around the oval churchyard can be found the sunken tracks that were once the village streets and paths and raised above them are the grassy mounds that cover the foundations of houses and cottages long since gone .
9 They are now working on a centralised system for spare parts , so that a customer in Spain or Switzerland can be found the part he needs whether it 's in Germany , Italy or France .
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