Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] be achieve only " in BNC.

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1 This is because its chronicity can be achieved only by delivering a massive insult or repeated dosing so that it takes a long time for the acute ulcer to heal and often leads to the death of the animal in the acute phase .
2 The question is whether David Mellor knows that mere fun gets boring very quickly ; that excellence , whether in the media , sports or arts can be achieved only through difficulty , through painstaking work , through seriousness ; that people can not be conned for long .
3 Unbiased estimates of dependency levels in the different sectors can be achieved only by high enumeration and response rates .
4 However , it must be recognised that at the current level of terrorist threat , full accompaniment of all patrols could be achieved only at the expense of aborting necessary anti-terrorist operations with a consequent increase in terrorist activity .
5 This is not to suggest that such effects can be achieved only by poets .
6 Although it rejected a proposal by Tsongas to cap federal spending and increase petrol taxes , the platform accepted a " no pain no gain " position in regard to the rising federal budget deficit , warning that its reduction could be achieved only through " fair and shared sacrifice of all Americans for the common good " .
7 The lack of an overall majority in the 252-member House of Councillors ( the upper chamber ) for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) , however , meant that the bill 's approval could be achieved only with the co-operation of some of the opposition parties .
8 Is the Prime Minister aware that doctors working in the health service have said today that his promise to cut waiting lists to two years can be achieved only if desperately ill patients sacrifice their beds to less serious cases who have waited longer ?
9 Although the statements by Bush and Bolger appeared to open the way for improved relations , the US government indicated that formal " ally status " and the restoration of a full security relationship could be achieved only if New Zealand rescinded its legislative ban on nuclear-powered vessels .
10 Capitalist society … can maintain a relative equilibrium only at the price of painful crises ; the adaptation of the various parts of the social organism to each other and to the whole can be achieved only with a colossal waste of energy .
11 But many of the advantages of using brochures can be achieved only if two types are produced , a general brochure conveying basic information and general argument and specialist brochures targeted at particular groups , e.g. parents , parent-governors , governors , local employers and of course potential students .
12 He said : ‘ Safer workplaces can be achieved only with the commitment and involvement of employees and management .
13 Tapping the immensely productive Main Reef Group of the Witwatersrand on the other hand could be achieved only by mobilizing substantial capital and the most advanced technology .
14 In this situation , a tax-free payment of up to £30,000 could be achieved only if paid ex gratia and in circumstances not amounting to the receipt of relevant benefits under an unapproved retirement benefits scheme ( see Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 13/91 ) .
15 This does not , however , mean that high quality results can be achieved only by such methods : where a small volume of sections is involved , many of the techniques described in this chapter can easily be adapted for manual preparation of thin sections .
16 Therefore , improvements in health can be achieved only if existing resources are re-allocated into policies more productive of health .
17 As has been noted earlier , TANU 's cadres felt that nation-building could be achieved only through the control of the centre — a view which extended itself to the press .
18 He stressed that this did not constitute a formal ceasefire , however , saying that a ceasefire would be achieved only if Iraq agreed to surrender all allied and Kuwaiti prisoners ; to provide maps of all minefields ; and to accept all relevant UN resolutions on the Gulf .
19 The data suggest that optimal outcome for the fetus can be achieved only when maternal phenylalanine concentrations are close to normal from early gestation .
20 Really radical change can be achieved only by going ‘ back to the drawing board ’ , throwing away the previous design and starting afresh .
21 Removal can be achieved only by methodical scraping with the edge of a sharp cook 's knife after which the worktop cleaning routine can be used .
22 ‘ The full benefits of technology will be achieved only by good management ’ said the Chairman Mr David Davies on his visit to this years Group Management Development Programme at JM Technology Centre , Sonning on 8th July .
23 Learning a language can be achieved only by using it repeatedly .
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