Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [pron] [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 They said they 're going to take ten days to make up their mind Lynda so we 'll give them the benefit of the doubt .
2 This will enable you to make a thicker yarn by twisting several yarns together which will give a tweed effect when knitted up .
3 there 's a few times so I 'll give you that four .
4 If it 's just a cough to go with the cold then there 's nothing they can do anyway , but if it 's an asthmatic cough then I can give him some erm Ventolin .
5 Now when it asks you for the sample statement , ah done it , right before , it will ask you for the sample statement er over what period would you like to estimate this equation , right instead of pressing the return key which gives you the default , right , if you specify nineteen twenty three to nineteen forty sorry just a a dash between it like that nineteen twenty three space nineteen forty okay it asks you for the number of observations to be used in the structural stability tests , right , erm if you er press the default er if you press the return key then it should give you the maximum number available right five observations in this case right and then it will perform the regression over the entire sample period , those will be the results you obtain , right , it will also er present Chow erm test statistics .
6 If you do n't put that mike away I 'll give you such a big slap
7 When you are actually sort of writing er , say if you are , when you are doing your project or doing your work it 's not just sufficient to say always T ratio is greater than two , therefore , it 's statistically significant , you must calculate the er correct critical value you use , right , for th for each T ratio and also if you are looking at any diagnostics or looking at the significance of the regression which is an F statistic right you must give the five percent or ten percent whichever you choose .
8 Erm I have n't heard anything yet erm about the demo form from the erm City Council so I 'll give them a boot up their backside because it 'll be a week since he said he put it in the post so .
9 Right I 'll let you have that part cos they write they wo n't want these that is that is original receipt so I 'll give her
10 Of course , there 's the final qualifying session tomorrow which will give the other Central South teams of Jordan …
11 Confusion was muddling her responses , putting up barriers where she 'd give anything for a free and open path forward …
12 I should add that there are also a great many flowers that seem to have rather negative meanings , such as the lovely little lawn daisy , which apparently means ‘ delay ’ , or ‘ return after a few days when I may give you an answer ’ — not necessarily the most suitable text to put on a bookmark .
13 I have to tell them on Monday otherwise they 'll give them to somebody else for this .
14 Even now as she looked into those harsh , compelling features , she knew only a terrible longing to simply throw herself into his arms , to find the sanctuary and warmth only he could give her .
15 But it is the horse who was third the day before who could give him his biggest win , matching Omerta 's success in the National Hunt Chase at Cheltenham in 1986 .
16 Okay , erm well if you go you go with erm Neil and Kathy then they can give you something different , alright .
17 I 'll have a word then I 'll give you a ring tomorrow
18 If we think we see even the glimmering of an original , important , and scientifically sound message then we will give authors the benefit of the doubt and send the paper to an external referee .
19 Every part of her felt open to him , wanting him , needing the fulfilment only he could give .
20 So er if you 're thinking of becoming a super model if there is anybody out there who 's thinking of becoming a super model perhaps you 'll give me a ring and er and I can break the bad news to you personally .
21 Similarly if people are organizing bonfires and they want their bonfire to go on Action Line 's list then they can give them a ring as well you see ?
22 Maybe there 's no good reason why you should give a bucket of warm sick about what your workmates think or do n't think about you .
23 Bill , Roger and Vincent you will be the respective time keepers okay I 'll give you timing in due course but remember to give a two minute warning which is the rap on the desk make sure going on and you will find out the role plays will or may run over time .
24 So I said , well come on you 've got ta be reasonable with me so I spoke to him last week and he says , look you did n't have one last year so I 'll give you two .
25 He pressed a kiss to her lips , his mouth warm and sweet and tender , and she responded eagerly , wanting the reassurance only he could give her .
26 If it is in awarding themselves points for put-downs of the public then they should give up their jobs , live on welfare , and be rude to their friends .
27 Which is what I meant to erm tt get on to Chris from the press office B B C Well I 'll give him a bell and just organize it for one day .
28 okay well I 'll get that supervisors course I 'll give N H A a ring and see how fast they can do it yeah cos really needs it as well does n't she ?
29 And yet — so ran her disjointed thoughts — had n't one always been taught that Christmas was the time when one should give up things for other people ?
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