Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i saw [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I heard the ambulance and the police cars and I saw them putting the man into the ambulance and trying to resuscitate him and driving away .
2 He started wearing women 's clothes , he started putting on make-up and on the last couple of times that I saw him he was pretty strange .
3 Benny and I saw you captured .
4 One big American came out to do his act and I saw him blanch , and then visibly pull himself together before proceeding .
5 I shall tell you , instead , of the time Gerda and I saw you on the stage in Vienna . ’
6 My parents and I saw her in the school play and they thought she was so wonderful that they invited her to lunch — to make me see what I could be if I did it right .
7 I came to England when I was 9 , that would have been in 1961 , and that 's when I saw the world for what it 's all about , I was still a child but I saw it , the black and white thing , it was a reality .
8 so that he would n't upset himself by barking , that 's why I tapped on the window when I saw you .
9 All at once I was gusted along , and really felt : a heartbeat when I saw him , a warmth when he touched me ; I smelt the flowers he bought me and the spicy perfume he put on his skin .
10 The boy when I saw him was sobbing hysterically .
11 Course , I 'ad to 'ang about a bit until I saw yer go out , and afterwards I met 'im at the Elephant an' Castle .
12 ‘ I took Jimi Hendrix down to meet The Cream and as soon as Jimi started playing , Eric Clapton 's hands fell off his guitar and I saw him kinda reel and leave the stage .
13 Once after hitching up there , I waited around in the car park until I saw him coming out — and I 'm ashamed to say I followed him home .
14 At the door he turned and gave me a last despairing look and I saw him no more .
15 Well that 's when er Ben and I saw him , when he was doing it
16 She fell silent for a moment and I saw she was watching the long heaving waves slip past our flanks .
17 Tom and I saw it the other day , ’ she was saying .
18 ‘ But it 's only four days since I saw him . ’
19 ‘ Do you realize it 's two years , six months and six days since I saw you on to a train — possibly this very one — the day before I went to America ?
20 It 's an age when we feel but do n't think yet , but you did n't seem to have learnt a thing about either yourself or Jones in the whole of the six years since I saw you last . ’
21 I was unfamiliar with the equipment in the room , although I knew an operating table and anaesthetic apparatus when I saw them .
22 T. B. I could n't go across the road to speak to another policeman if I saw him , never spoke to anyone .
23 I would not be responsible for my actions if I saw him . ’
24 ‘ He was a very unique person and I saw him more deeply than I think other people did .
25 I am not a scholar but I saw it was personally annotated by your king .
26 After confirming that I was n't taking any medication , she gave me two small white pills with a glass of water and sat me down , explaining that my Mother had been seriously burned and the pills were to help me with the shock when I saw her .
27 I went to Southport and was waiting at the hotel for Lee when I saw him roll up .
28 In terms of a planning process Anne was talking about , you 'll have to forgive me for being relatively new to Oxfordshire and coming from an area where we had a planning system which was largely the one I was describing , and the planning role that I saw I wanted to develop was very much already mentioned which was actually going round to small groups of people , to the local caring groups on a much more informal basis , and getting their contribution about that and then feeding it back into the system , which you say is there in a sense .
29 My dad bought me these bought me a micro , bought me a twenty five pair of erm pyjamas from Marks cos I saw them .
30 And do you realise it 's almost a week since I saw you ? ’
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