Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it gives [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then it talks about the opposite accent and it gives the example of There 'll be an industrial dispute in a small family business erm and there is possibly a greater need by the employer to win the workers ' approval .
2 If as we indicated , Grice 's theory of meaning-nn is construed as a theory of communication , it has the interesting consequence that it gives an account of how communication might be achieved in the absence of any conventional means for expressing the intended message .
3 He says : ‘ The idea is to start producing high quality , home-grown product because it gives the Forum a much better choice .
4 This method may be used as a check on the reasonableness of valuations on other bases since it gives an indication of the minimum likely value .
5 This introduction to a scene and the gradual unfolding of the action within it may seem to be a rather academic restriction on the freedom of the cameraman , but it is a most important movie-making technique because it gives the viewer the feeling of involvement as a participant in the exploration of the location .
6 In the late twentieth century compulsory retirement has depressed social status , a point also made by Alan Walker , and has led to medical , educational and social service provision receiving a low priority because it gives a low marginal rate of return on investment .
7 It provides for greater control as it gives a framework for monitoring and evaluating .
8 The MLTB information sheet also lists universities and colleges which offer suitable courses and it gives a list of useful bodies to contact concerning employment in outdoor activities , eg Glenmore Lodge National Outdoor Training Centre , PGL , Outward Bound etc .
9 Sociologists are often attracted by Weber 's account because it gives an explanation for the distinct differences in life-chances between different strata in contemporary capitalism .
10 A patent is a very desirable form of intellectual property because it gives the owner a monopoly in an invention , enabling him to exploit the invention for a number of years to the exclusion of other people ( subject to provisions designed to prevent abuse of the monopoly granted ) .
11 It is recommended for publishing students as it gives a useful background to advanced work .
12 Its attraction would seem to lie in the fact that it gives a formalized account of some of the popularly held impressions concerning the character of science , its explanatory and predictive power , its objectivity and its superior reliability compared with other forms of knowledge .
13 The fact that it gives a different result from the ones that North Yorkshire have used , certainly they 've used the neight eight nineteen eighty nine based fertility , mortality , infant mortality rates .
14 Forfeiture This is a drastic power as it gives an enforcement authority power , under s16 of CPA 1987 , to obtain possession of unsafe goods and , if necessary , destroy them .
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