Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] the [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 Properties with a zone 1 location will be treated as high risk and as well as taking in all the London postcodes , zone 1 will include the G1 and G2 postal districts of Glasgow city centre and the EH1 and EH2 postal districts of central Edinburgh although , perhaps surprisingly , not EH3 which takes in several New Town offices and the area around which the new financial and conference centre is being constructed .
2 Our eyes and the area around them are the most expressive and sensitive part of our face and during the winter months need more protection than ever .
3 On the other hand , it was obvious from the shadows like sooty thumbprints beneath his eyes and the tension around his mouth that he desperately needed some sleep .
4 So check your car and the area around it before you get in , check that the tyres and windows are intact , and have your house or car keys in your hand long before you need them .
5 Across the Sound of Harris the going was rough ; we had a large following sea with waves aided by the wind and the flood around Berneray , pushing us both from behind and from a broad reach angle .
6 A bathymetric survey of Finlaggan Loch , Islay , for the National Museum of Scotland , combined with investigations by a BGS diving team elucidated the complex form and history of the loch and the area around the settlement , and located a submerged causeway .
7 The interpretation of the complex form and history of the loch and the area around the settlement was much improved , a submerged causeway was located , and assorted artefacts were recovered .
8 And when the ā gri goes inside they remain fixed for an instant on the li ga and the ground around it , with the four white bodies , and the separate wide-eyed heads , and the stains of blood going brown already in the trampled grass .
9 The pits have become lakes and the land around them is damp or waterlogged .
10 The town itself is in most respects unremarkable by comparison with its Devon neighbours , and like many of them flourished especially in the seventeenth century , heyday of the West Country cloth trade : when Celia Fiennes passed close by in 1698 , she found all Exeter and the country around making ‘ an incredible quantity of serges ’ which were sent from the port of Topsham to be sold in Europe .
11 Towering mountains surround the village and the area around St Anton is fantastic for walking .
12 Fine creases where the colour had flaked off the shoes were painted in with a rich reunite of permanent rose and white , whilst permanent rose was used alone for some minor details like the punchmarks on the orange strap loops and the stitching around the edges of the straps themselves .
13 The other children heating the boy 's cries ran to him and he told them what had happened , they searched the cutting and the area around the hut without success .
14 There was nothing novel about the idea , but that alongside with liaison meetings of all the groups and the Union around specific issues , helped to strengthen links between us all .
15 The Press enclosure was in the Members ' Stand and the scene around us was indescribable as the staid ‘ more English than the English ’ burghers of Adelaide and their wives stood up booing and shaking their fists .
16 Margaret Mackenzie says 4 children in the area have Leukaemia and the region around Harwell Nuclear Base should be re-examined , the last research was conducted in 1982 .
17 I 'd be very grateful if you could let me have written confirmation of exactly what is involved and how often the various procedures are to be carried out on the playing field and the area around the War Memorial in Scorton .
18 New Socialist or Tribune hardly commented at all on the local government funding of lesbian and gay projects , the Haringey backlash or the debate around heterosexism .
19 ‘ This is an historic victory , affecting not just the town and the area around it but the entire Clogher valley . ’
20 It 's sort of grid iron pattern streets on the south side of the High Street ; on the north side that 's all disrupted by the castle and , as far as one can tell , when the town and the area around it , the Rape of Lewes , was ceded to William De Warren , most of the local powers of the Town Council such as it was were taken away and subverted and the town became a minorial borough and although it sent Members of Parliament to Westminster from the end of the thirteenth century , it only had a very sort of ramshackle corporation , because the lords of the manor of Lewes kept control fairly tightly on what the town was actually allowed to do and on its internal freedoms .
21 On the north side , that 's all disrupted by the Castle , and as far as one can tell , when the town and the area around it , the of Lewes was ceded to William de Warren , most of the local powers of the town council , such as it was , were taken away and subverted , and the town became a manorial borough .
22 Around Moortown , on the Western side of the lough , some 200 million tonnes of lignite have been indicated but there is some evidence that the deposit around Moortown may contain at least the same amount as the Crumlin deposits .
23 With some concentrated help , they can learn to communicate much better with their own families and the world around them .
24 The Prince of the Asturias was in contact with this aristocratic opposition , publishing caricatures distributed in taverns in order to discredit his father 's court and the favourite around which it centred .
25 However , why his ghost should have been attracted to the station and the area around the mess room has never been explained satisfactorily .
26 Before reaching London , Gloucester apparently wrote to the council and to the city 's mayor , explaining that he had taken possession of the prince because the circle around the boy had been inimical to the safety of king and kingdom .
27 Before reaching London , Gloucester apparently wrote to the council and to the city 's mayor , explaining that he had taken possession of the prince because the circle around the boy had been inimical to the safety of king and kingdom .
28 Officials of the Greenock Waterfront Heritage Association claim that the land around the dock has parliamentary protection .
29 The Libyan attack occupied both the minds of Reagan and the public around the world , although from very different viewpoints as to the morality of the action .
30 Yet what could never be achieved via Parliament could be experimented with in more exciting forms in Southampton Row and the network around it .
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