Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] none [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Did you get all monies applied for or only part payment or none at all ? !
2 Mr the headmaster has recently applied to Paul 's present local authority London Borough of Merton for a classroom assistant for Paul for thirty hours per week he does not know whether he will get that or a lesser number of hours or none at all , he was repeatedly , in my view quite rightly , extremely reluctant to express any view about what the outcome of his application maybe , but , rather force time is to which we have to guess , his guess was that ten hours might be afforded but he was at pains to emphasize that that was pure guess work .
3 A family with the disk ranging from a sack-like bag covered with skin or thin scales to a more rigid structure covered with large plates , usually armed with spinelets , granules , or simple rods , the density of covering varying ; the characters of the oral frame falling into broad categories ; either the jaws longer than broad with many papillae or as broad as long usually with fewer papillae , rarely more than 6–7 ; the arms usually noded but sometimes only slightly so ; arm spines usually erect , often long and rugose ; the tentacle pores either large and open with small tentacle scales or none at all or small with a variety of tentacle scales .
4 Lastly in Ophioprium cervicornis , O. permixtum the pores are open with small spine-like tentacle scales or none at all .
5 It has operated on the rather inequitable basis of paying different amounts of money or none at all according to the source of disability rather than its extent .
6 Cheaper bags often have small thin baffles which can flatten away from the zip or none at all .
7 You know , it 's got ta be Monday to Friday or none at all has n't it ?
8 It might be argued that this approach downgrades sexual intercourse without consent where little violence or none at all is used .
9 But in spite of everything perhaps it was just as well that none of the things they could see … none of the plump fish or chickens being toasted on skewers , none of the creamy breads , chapatis , nan , and parathas , none of the richly bubbling curries and glistening mounds of rice , which the skeletons ' scarlet rimmed eyes could see in their lenses and at which they glared for hour after hour that none of these things were available , for in their starved and debilitated condition it was very likely that a heavy curry would have killed them as dead as a cannon ball .
10 3 Better make a decision than none at all .
11 Moreover , HPV genomes was found in 43% of colonic carcinomas and none in normal mucosa ( unpublished data ) .
12 Eight women have had a total of nine vaginal deliveries and none of these women have had inpaired continence after delivery .
13 ‘ No noise and none of that stupid flapping . ’
14 In truth she was n't really interested in Taureg 's arrival , but anything that broke the self-imposed purdah of her existence was welcome , she supposed , for she still stood outside the real world , looking in ; a part of her still waited in Yeoman 's Lane and none of this strangeness around her was really happening .
15 Taplin Green and Keeley — or their ghosts since none of those names now survived in the list of partners — had offices on the south side of New Square a corridor with an uneven floor under the carpeting and doorways that had subsided to odd angles .
16 A number of programs followed rapidly in PageMaker 's footprints but none of those launched for the Macintosh has ever come close to either challenging PageMaker 's lead or to matching its intuitive user interface .
17 The result of these indicated the ongoing commitment by regional office and site staff with all regions returning either a very small number of minor non-conformances or none at all .
18 There is no very clear evidence for volcanic activity on the Mercurian surface and none at all for Plate Tectonics .
19 The Home Office has previously only given national rape statistics and none on indecent assaults , fearing it would increase women 's worries .
20 If the choice facing us were legal , clean , decently performed abortion or none at all , no doubt many of us would be hard put to it to vote for the former ; but in fact the choice is between the legal , clean sort and backstreet self-induced efforts of the Ottey 's Pills variety .
21 It can be applied to all kinds of objective situations or none at all .
22 I must write a grand opera or none at all ; if I write a small one , I shall get very little for it ( for everything is taxed here ) .
23 They had n't quite known whether to be optimistic or pessimistic about the overnight delay , but they were adamant in their belief that none of these parents was capable of doing the things stated in the allegations against them .
24 ‘ I knew your father and none of this was in him .
25 At least try to purchase the catalogue if none of these towns is on your tourist itinerary .
26 Poole remarked that the choice of Stravinsky music horrified many people ( this was long before the composer had been understood or accepted by general audiences ) and the score ‘ made great difficulty for the cast but none at all for John ’ .
27 A leading scientific journal , Nature , did not publish the paper but none of this seemed to matter before the Utah steamroller .
28 He said the bill would end the situation where an employer had to dismiss either all the strikers or none at all .
29 If , by mating with more than one male , the female could persuade the males to help rear the young , then she would ensure a better chance of survival for her offspring than if she had only one helper or none at all .
30 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
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