Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] return to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He links this to the act of consciousness raising , which I consider presents the greatest problem for the insider who can not leave the field or return to academia .
2 If , however , they show no sign of ability to make contact or to learn by five years they are placed in a special school , welfare institution or returned to family surroundings .
3 The matter gave him enormous regret , no doubt an unhappy situation whose solution lay in the lap of the all-merciful Allah ; nothing would give him greater pleasure than to return to Mr Laing his passport , which he had taken into nightly safekeeping only at the specific request of Mr Pyle .
4 There they sold half their animals , bought goods with the proceeds , loaded them onto the remaining animals and returned to Kufra , resuming the annual north-south movement .
5 His grants were cancelled by the new regime and he pursued his career elsewhere , settling initially in Bruges and returning to Portugal in 1487 .
6 They vowed his form would improve if he quit Arsenal and returned to Glasgow .
7 Now it is approaching completion and return to steam and every effort is being made to ensure that his locomotive is operating in steam at the works Open Day on Sunday , September 27 .
8 Subsequently , the box was collected from the Pump-house and returned to Appleby Hall where it was returned to its place among the ruins .
9 This , however , gives rise to two legends : firstly that it was paid for by Napoleon in gold louis to Mr Veitch , who later buried the coins under the foundation stone of the English church ; and secondly that the wine was never drunk by Napoleon but returned to Madeira after his death to be bottled in 1840 by Blandy 's .
10 No one wanted the children to be more traumatised than they already were , she said , and it would certainly be less travelling for them to go to Inverness than to return to Kirkwall .
11 The decision to take time off work or to return to work is complicated and will vary between individuals and at different times .
12 ‘ Nurseries provide the best possible start for children and give women choices about returning to work or returning to training . ’
13 When interviewed Mr Hussain said he had not decided whether , following marriage , he , or his fiancee , would wish to remain in England or return to Pakistan .
14 After achieving only 12 per cent in Colorado and less in every other contest , Kerrey cancelled his scheduled appearance in Florida and returned to Washington DC to " reassess " his campaign .
15 I would prefer to stay here in Normandy and return to England with the Brigade at the end of the Normandy campaign ’ .
16 Beat mixtures and return to freezer until solid .
17 Up to 600 Bewick swans make the long journey from Russia between October and December and return to Siberia in February .
18 I also wondered how many in this truck would survive the Normandy campaign and return to England .
19 She would go back there and talk to Steve and they would probably decide to abort this whole campaign and return to England .
20 ‘ And tomorrow ? ’ she queried , recalling that tomorrow was to have been a most dismal day , when she would leave Wilder 's Wilderness and return to Wellington .
21 She was even able to give up her wheelchair and return to Picklenash School in early July and take part in the annual sports day .
22 We would urge staff to stop this silliness and return to work . ’
23 She then wrapped the baby up , left him lying in a wood and returned to work , Aberdeen Sheriff Court heard yesterday .
24 The Mexican government has informed them that they have to decide by December whether to return to Guatemala , or to lose refugee status and become Mexican citizens .
25 They paddled out into the middle of a large convoy that was anchored there , attached the mines and returned to Kabrit for breakfast .
26 It is intended for long-term unemployed adults ( and other adults with particular difficulties in finding work , such as disabilities ) and aims to help them acquire skills and return to employment .
27 Deckard is employed by the police as a bounty hunter , paid to hunt down and ‘ retire ’ ( or kill ) renegade androids who have escaped from off-world planets and returned to Earth posing as humans .
28 The day after , General de Gaulle cut short his visit to Rumania and returned to Paris ; by then two million workers were on strike , 120 factories occupied ; within three days 250 factories were occupied , and eight million on strike .
29 In the elder days they were relatively empty lands , occupied by those who sought to escape the more civilised realms and return to nature .
30 But after dumping their loads and returning to Camp 3 at 24,000ft , the Darc Star team 's problems had only begun .
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