Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] want [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The third provision I want to discuss is that of age-related testing .
2 Yeah , really the question I want to put is to the er B T Post Office er representatives , that y you made a perfectly reasonable objection to the way in which B T funded it 's early retirement scheme from the pension fund .
3 And the final general question I want to ask is how much choice do foreign policy makers have ?
4 ( My 39-cm reflector has five finders , on the theory that the finder you want to use is always the one which you ca n't get at . )
5 The point I want to make is that in most cases they could not .
6 The central point I want to make is the general one , not just about culling : namely , that there really are arguments on both sides and we have to do justice to the complexity of the problem .
7 The main point I want to make is that the only justification for treating the sick and injured wild animal is to be able eventually to restore it to its wild existence .
8 The point I want to make is this .
9 The main point I want to make is that , looked at from the perspective of an individual teacher 's working life , this kind of action constitutes one very important strategy within a whole repertoire of ways of improving their pleasure and satisfaction in the job .
10 The point I want to make is that racists are racists , with or without the exposure of genital mutilation .
11 The second point I want to make is in relation to something that has changed since the approved strategy and that is the inter-relationship between North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire .
12 I want to make a limited point at this juncture , I reserve the right to come back later on , and it 's become three points as a result of the discussion we 've already had , my view on the contribution of the of the greenbelt to the York issue is n't just the setting of the city , it 's the character of the city , and that would include the central city and the historic city , and the need to limit the physical expansion and size of the urban area because of the implications inside the historic city , and that would certainly apply to other cities with greenbelts that I 'm familiar with like York , like er Oxford , which the character suffers from expansion , possibly excessive , Norwich , that considered a greenbelt , and London , if you like that did n't get its greenbelt until we had the character rather drastically altered , so I think it is n't just the setting and how you see the city from the ring road , it 's actually what happens inside the core , the second point I want to make is really for clarification perhaps , er and it relates to the question of allocations between the built up area and the inner edge of the greenbelt , as I understand it all those allocations are already er included in the Ryedale local plan , and are already therefore included in the commitments that we looked at in Ryedale , I do n't think there is a further reserve of spare opportunities that might be used either before or after two thousand and six , that 's certainly my understanding and if anybody was was taking a different view I think that should be clear , and now I come to the one point that I was actually going to raise , erm I think it 's important that in this discussion of the relations between York city and Greater York , that we get a , early on , a clear view of what the requirements are in York , not just its capacity which we 've discussed so far , and a figure of three thousand three hundred seems to be a fairly common currency , but its requirements , and I want to address a particular question to the County Council , which is in my proof , so they 've had as it were four weeks notice of it .
13 Erm , it as I say it does n't provide for the the uses we 've just discussed and in my , I do n't want to get too entangled in the statistics of it , the main point I want to make is that
14 The second general point I want to make is that there is no single right way to use this thing .
15 The second point I want to raise is the issue erm of the green belt , er which is er a constraint in Greater York erm we 've made significant progress in moving towards the statutory definition of the green belt , the green belt local plan has now completed erm its public enquiry , and a lot of the deliberations in Greater York have centred around the effect on of the green belt on development potential in Greater York , so that is a main issue , I think , in response to issues , the discussion of issues in Greater York .
16 One of the things I want to argue is that in order to construct certain exemplary models of antiracist policy and practice it has been necessary to operate in terms of a reductive representation of racism , one which not only scales down its reality , but ignores its more complex features .
17 ‘ The person I want to meet is
18 Here , the argument I want to make is more than that critical thought is an important feature of higher education .
19 With SSDs , every penny we want to spend is examined by the auditors and they check to see whether our activity is HIV-related ’ .
20 The man they want to trace is in his late fifties , about five feet five to five six .
21 The last thing I want to see is local authorities skimping on the police .
22 The final thing I want to say is that , standing in this College , I urge you to support the work of the creche which is here in Rupert Stanley .
23 The last thing I want to do is to share a place with a couch potato .
24 The last thing I want to do is break the spell .
25 ‘ I mean , do n't let the fact I 'm the longest serving flat-dweller put you off ; the last thing I want to do is embarrass you , Gav , ’ I said ( just a tad tetchily ) .
26 ‘ The last thing I want to do is to offend you .
27 The last thing I want to do is talk .
28 Into the Movie Editor , and the first thing I want to do is get that background onto the screen .
29 ‘ The last thing I want to do is spoil Thomas or have him look forward to my visits simply because he knows I 'll arrive bearing gifts . ’
30 ‘ The last thing I want to do is break up your friendship . ’
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