Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] 'd [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Molly imagined a dehydrated house turned into a swamp and said hastily , ‘ Of course I 'd pay them .
2 When he found the Key he 'd get them .
3 That would be the check I 'd present them .
4 We can all think of the favourites , and if I could get the Pope , Frank Sinatra and the Queen I 'd book them tomorrow .
5 They were hoping against hope we 'd attack them . ’
6 Out players were apoplectic and our secretary , a local bank manager , talked of suing for libel ; but the Captain threw back his head with two guffaws and said of course we 'd play them and show them a thing or two .
7 That I told Oliver I 'd put them down the waste-disposal and the phone went silent , and when I finally said , ‘ Are you still there ? ’ he just answered , ‘ I love you , ’ and hung up .
8 After all , ’ said the kind-looking gentleman in his pleasant voice , ‘ they were aware by then that you knew where they lived , and that there was a chance you 'd have them arrested . ’
9 You would drop them , bang them , let the rain dampen them , but every night you 'd pull them through and oil them , then every time you squeezed the trigger the boring old things would fin .
10 And if we had more arms we 'd finish them off .
11 Or I mean I think he 's , she 's bitten him before , if he had any sense he 'd leave them at the gate or something , I mean somebody would go for them .
12 ‘ I promised my children I 'd take them to Disneyland .
13 For two pins I 'd send them all crashing to the bottom .
14 If I were growing potatoes , like most sensible gardeners I 'd let them grow .
15 If there were any alarms to start , he had no doubt she 'd set them jangling . )
16 And I 've no doubt they 'd kill them without a second 's thought if they no longer served a purpose .
17 If I had loads of room in house I 'd put them all together .
18 If I had flipping cameras round me all the time I 'd tell them where to go .
19 Certainly my initial impression was that the older boys in particular were resisting the task I 'd set them .
20 The other table what we had before was better , was no much so much time involved , by the time you 'd screw them round and turn 'em , to saw them into blocks there was a lot of time involved in it .
21 Okay , the task was to ignore the right hand bracket and to sort cards based on the left hand bracket In fact you 'd sort them into two piles , not four .
22 By June they 'd let them go !
23 Next time he 'd do them a bloody bunch of daffodils .
24 Well I did n't get in till half six so by time he 'd put them
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