Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] 's worth [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think for a day 's er work it 's worth assessing the three top people identified with the six outside people that I 've identified who are you know in the next division down to see how they compare .
2 For a somewhat less biased view of the global scene it 's worth sending for the latest Report on the State of World Population from the UN 's Fund for Population Activities ( 485 , Lexington Ave .
3 ‘ I 've got to prove to the boss it 's worth having a go on me , ’ he said .
4 At this point it 's worth mentioning that one of the best approaches to persuasion in any situation can be to ask yourself : ‘ What 's in it for them ? ’ and to consider what needs ( as mentioned earlier in this chapter ) you can meet .
5 In fact , at this point it 's worth taking a pitchfork to that grossly over-rated entity — CAMP .
6 Although minerals are only present in minute quantities it 's worth remembering that when choosing your water .
7 The path follows the road out of Port Isaac and at the top it 's worth glancing back for a final look at this fascinating place .
8 For really urgent stuff it 's worth paying for reliability .
9 While we had n't asked for a film sample it 's worth knowing that all bureau should be able to offer this service — it can save time and money at the printing end .
10 For anyone else trying to find work in middle age it 's worth remembering that the real Churchill did n't get his big break until he was 66 .
11 If you 're expecting trouble it 's worth consulting your doctor early as some treatments work best if started in advance .
12 Well if they 're doing that then we s we 're looking to make this a dual carriageway on the Richard principle that if it 's a trunk road it 's worth building a dual , a dual carriageway .
13 Just in case it 's worth mending .
14 ‘ Of course it 's worth fighting .
15 When looking at the calendar it 's worth bearing in mind that there is usually a year 's grace between the death of the previous Phoenix King and the coronation of his successor .
16 If a whole family is included on the invitation it 's worth adding No. of persons …
17 At the same time it 's worth remembering that at least one contrast colour , even if only a large plant or a mass of flowers or cushions , will help to emphasize the clever harmony of the background colour scheme .
18 At this stage it 's worth remarking that wa there are perhaps three prominent features of endotoxin effects first of all , they promote physcocine release and th the the two pro , prominent phsycocines affected are I O one , Interlooping one and TMF , tumourmacrosis factor which I hope you heard about in the immunology course .
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