Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] speak of the " in BNC.

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1 Alongside this emphasis of the Kingdom as a present reality to be experienced and enjoyed , there is an equally strong strand of teaching which speaks of the Kingdom as in the future and , therefore , to be anticipated and longed for .
2 When , on 19 March 1856 , the tsar issued a manifesto which spoke of the blessings which were to descend upon the empire as a result of the peace treaty , he envisaged " equal justice and equal protection for everyone , so that each can enjoy in peace the fruits of his own righteous labours " .
3 There is a commonplace error which speaks of the ‘ contradictions ’ in society .
4 In 1983 she spoke of the general election providing a ‘ choice ’ between two ways of life ; before the 1987 election she spoke of the election as the opportunity to ‘ kill off ’ left-wing socialism .
5 In a emotional 20-minute speech during a surprise appearance at a service at King 's College Chapel in Cambridge he spoke of the importance of freedom in the face of the edict .
6 When he had started to prepare his notes for this occasion , he was overwhelmed by private memories : St Louis was the place of his birth , and Washington University itself owed its foundation to his grandfather ; and when in the lecture he spoke of the characteristics of a national literature , and American literature in particular , as " a strong local flavour combined with an unconscious universality " it is clear to what locale he belongs .
7 After visiting the police incident room he spoke of the country 's revulsion at the bombing and said : ‘ Everything will be done to bring those responsible to justice and every effort is being put in to make sure that we do . ’
8 Others have done so , in writing , but not I. I spoke of the ‘ regrettable similarity ’ between a 1989 work by Parmiggiani and Kosuth 's installation at the 1992 Documenta ( Il Giornale dell' Arte No. 103 , September 1992 , pp. 1,8 ) .
9 But even the most rudimentary reading of his many surviving letters will reveal passages which speak of the pleasures of reading with or to Mrs Moore .
10 Though there were huge stones involved , they knitted into a whole which spoke of the possibility of life ; intimate , ordinary life .
11 He insisted that a genuine religion , if such there be , must rest on a supernatural revelation coming from beyond history ; and he denounced the ‘ historicising ’ of Christianity , by which the original message of Christ and the apostles , a message which spoke of the wholly supernatural kingdom of God , had been betrayed by the transformation of Christianity itself into a social , cultural , and political movement within history — a movement which the advanced theologians and Christian apologists of the nineteenth century had then , with complete consistency , attempted to interpret and justify in purely historical and psychological terms .
12 There are innumerable passages in both the Jewish and Christian scriptures which speak of the ineffable greatness and holiness of God .
13 This belief in the interrelationship of life in all its forms may find corroboration from St. Paul who speaks of the whole creation groaning in pain and awaiting deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God .
14 This terminology dates back to St Paul who spoke of the church in Corinth , in Thessalonika , etc .
15 In her 15-minute speech she spoke of the two countries ' shared ideals , including democracy , stability and a rejection of the power which " grows from the barrel of a gun " .
16 NUMEROSO : It 's time we spoke of the details , the kinds of new technology to be tested in the city and the precise questions that the experiment is meant to answer .
17 In his speech he spoke of the forces interested in a revanchist coup in Russia .
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