Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have decide [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As these lectures are concerned with the role of religion I have decided to look at Marxism in terms of two triads — one of commitment and the other of outcome .
2 Not so the Norwegian Scan Thai Travellers club which has decided to take its most active critics , the Kvinne Fronten ( The Women 's Front ) , to court .
3 The children are in role as islanders who have decided to abandon their homes because a volcano is becoming active .
4 Now individual nations who 've decided to do without a particular item of equipment , clearly that will be developed into the aircraft and therefore they have the option to if they wish to d decide later on to fit it in .
5 The nightspots are full of youngsters who have decided to say ‘ No ’ to bodily pleasures .
6 By the time Penry Vaughan came downstairs again she was deep in the adventures of a lady who had decided to dress as a boy to search for her lost crusading husband .
7 Rarely do I see a parent who has decided to buy a book as a present .
8 Just to confuse matters they have decided to rename all their products .
9 Emburey 's last Test was against Australia at Old Trafford in 1989 , the game in which it was announced that he was among 16 rebels who had decided to tour South Africa and accept an international ban .
10 One woman derelict told her that after living with three husbands for twenty-five years she had decided to give them up and devote herself to the task of viewing the Cathedrals and Abbeys of the British Isles .
11 But she is also a mother : she has a baby at her feet , and a further child , a three-year-old girl , whose hips we have decided to destroy .
12 The old lady died and within weeks they 'd decided to get married ; they started furnishing the rooms over the shop and all was set for a wedding . ’
13 With a sudden pang of remorse , he reproached himself for not telling Zohra about the warnings he had received , if warnings they were , about the messages he had decided to ignore , on her behalf as well as his own .
14 For March we have decided to have a members ' evening .
15 Up the tree she had decided to make a dash for home as soon as she reached the ground , without giving the witch a chance to grab her , but now she did n't do it .
16 In 1881 , however , on the very day he had decided to accept some of these proposals , the Tsar was assassinated and his son , Alexander III ( 1881–1894 ) , firmly reasserted the principle of autocracy .
17 His eye was watching the barley while he was thinking about the outing he had decided to give himself that evening .
18 ‘ By morning I 'd decided to take myself off to Prague . ’
19 But Mansell shook his head , ignored the request and read : ‘ Due to circumstances beyond my control I have decided to retire from Formula One at the end of the season .
20 Q I have decided to set up a 48″ x 18″ x 15″ fish only aquarium , with a view to changing a mixed fish/invert set-up and I am now contemplating which fish to buy .
21 In September , three further seminars were run for centres which had decided to participate in the pilot .
22 By five in the morning she had decided to go back , to return to them and forget music , blame her defection on a temporary post-natal madness .
23 The Lord Chancellor originally intended that lenders should be self-regulating , but since publishing the white paper he has decided to set up a new Authorised Conveyancing Practitioners ' Board , with consumer representatives , to police lenders offering conveyancing services .
24 In March 1982 the Board informed the Bunchs ' company that following a review of its sales and marketing strategy it had decided to limit the sale of bulk butter to four other distributors in England and Wales and that , in future , the company would have to purchase its bulk butter from other distributors .
25 After more than two years of discussions they have decided to publish two separate statements , one from each country , in the next few weeks .
26 Then , out of the blue , Simon and Moscato announced after a considered assessment they had decided to opt out of the French national squad 's World Cup preparations .
27 Although the Second Duma saw a small increase in the number of right-wing deputies , more striking was the decline in the number of Kadet deputies and the advance of the extreme Left , including Social Democrats and SRs who had decided to abandon the electoral boycott they had staged during the elections to the First Duma .
28 It was the combination of the carrier bag and the boots and the voluminous purple cloak that had been a present from Laura that attracted the attention of the man at the first-floor windows of Loxford Old Rectory , the man who had decided to buy it .
29 There are then the tinkers , who normally come from Ireland and who are engaged in business on a large scale , whether its tarmacking , or metal business , or dealing in furniture and antiques , and the third group who are the drop outs of society who have decided to move around all the time and they do n't care where they move from one place to another however much they inconvenience anybody else .
30 The incidence figure is primarily made up of novice users , but also includes some recidivists ( for example , former users who have decided to take heroin again ) .
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