Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] development within the " in BNC.

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1 The majority feeling in the CDP was moving towards support for development within the CNAA .
2 Always pioneering , his work in Leeds helped shape the direction of development within the City .
3 This is particularly the case for quality of life , for the ways in which quality of life is measured , and specifically the role and definition of basic needs , virtually define our conceptions of development within the global system .
4 In Britain , Owen and Mivart argued that many cases of evolution consisted of parallel lines of development within the same group , all driven in the same direction as though by an internally programmed force .
5 Now is the time to look at how some theories specifically address the question of development within the global system .
6 After 10 days of development within the egg , the forelimb of the chick — the wing — has a pattern very similar to that of the human arm , except that there are only three fingers .
7 How do dominant and subordinate classes deal with the problems of development within the global system ?
8 Thus the tempo of development within the Pathfinder Force kept pace with the events of the times .
9 The single most influential neo-Marxist conceptual innovation for the analysis of development within the global system in general in the last few decades has been dependency theory , or what might be more accurately termed the dependency metatheory .
10 Some six hundred hectares of that land is actually designated as greenbelt , but in addition within that a number of those areas are er prevented from development in perpetuity we 'd argue because a large part of that area has got a historic status as stray land , which is a form of common land , which means it 's actually not not available for any form of development , similarly the flood planes of the river Ouse in particular is for physical development reasons er prevented from development in many areas , and those of you who were here this weekend will have no noticed the reason why , it was a flooding that took that took place on the Ouse valley , in addition to those constraints , open space within the city is at a premium erm the city falls below the Emperface standard , erm by er something like erm half a hectare per thousand population , so compared with the Emperface standard of two point four per thousand , the city reaches a quite a generous erm categorization of the recreational space we have available , only a total of two hectares per thousand , therefore , and this is very relevant to the Greater York debate , erm , really the only land for development within the city is recycled land , there are limited number of er sites which have not been developed in recent years erm which can be identified for development , and are being identified for development in our draft local plan .
11 Therefore as well as it being a problem of development within the flood plain it is also a problem of development beyond the flood plain and as well as development and I er think this in no way intending to spread the blame , but is a , is a er an observation which er I think is quite clear and that is that farming practices erm can have both beneficial and adverse effects on water regimes
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