Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [num ord] months " in BNC.

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1 It is musically unrelated to The Art of Fugue , but its presence in this context — Bach dedicated his poignant revision of the piece during the last months of his life — is neither inapposite nor in any sense to be regretted .
2 Although James I may have begun to experience some doubts about the validity of the doctrine of predestination during the last months of his life , earlier in his reign he had given little if any encouragement to the Arminian caucus within his Calvinist church .
3 As a new father I am only too aware of the importance of expert guidance through the first months of parenthood .
4 Most Germans were in expectant but uneasy mood during the first months of 1940 .
5 I do n't suggest that these unfavourable writings pushed him to do what he did , though I do n't mind suggesting that the bigotry and vicarious piety they may be reckoned to contain could be classed among the negative experiences of the last months of his life .
6 At intervals throughout the next months he worked on this material , in preparation for his show at the Lefevre Gallery in September 1951 and for other exhibitions .
7 It had been swamped with work in the first months after the allowance 's introduction .
8 When in London , he stayed with the Fabers ; the capital was being bombed each night through the last months of 1940 , but their house in Hampstead had the additional advantage of a reinforced basement shelter .
9 The problems of the last months are making such celebratory gestures as the David Hockney EC stamp , and John Major 's £6 million European festival of the arts ( almost ignored by the media ) seem pathetically out-of-tune .
10 Among them are the four remaining pictures shown by Betty Parsons , whose checklist notes seventeen works , the complete set of five White Paintings conceived in 1951 and recreated , under Rauschenberg 's instructions , by Brice Marden in 1968 , twelve Black Paintings , three gold leaf paintings , fifteen collages created in Rome and North Africa in the last months of 1952 , and thirteen box sculptures incorporating stones , thorns , an insect and other material .
11 Perhaps I might have recognized my own hypocrisy , if it had not been for Richard 's behaviour in the next months .
12 These doubts about his work were directly related to his predicament in the last months of 1939 .
13 Numerous reports from all over Germany make clear how little the German people in the last months of the war was attuned to the heroic strains of the message preached above all by Goebbels .
14 There were subsequent waves of evacuation — during the blitz of late 1940 , via the Children 's Overseas Reception Scheme of the same year ( which sent children principally to Canada ) , and in 1944 when the V1 and V2 rockets arrived — and , of course , roughly 2 million people evacuated themselves by private arrangement in the first months of the war .
15 He saw a good deal of Eden in the next months , and with a genuine desire to see him Prime Minister gave him a lot of advice .
16 Although we 'd been left pretty much to our own devices in the last months in the Pit , the year and a half underground had become increasingly depressing .
17 The only practical problem at the time was that I would have to take the orchestra on its American tour in the first months of 1955 at a time when I was contracted to conduct a new Ring cycle at La Scala , Milan .
18 Of course , these reports were as biased towards optimism as the nervous hosts of September 1939 were biased towards pessimism ; and in the later waves great care was taken by teachers , medical officers and even parents not to repeat the mistakes of the first months of the war .
19 The principal interest of these court appearances is in the confirmation they give to the portrait of the National Socialist League in the last months of peace .
20 Louis Malle 's moving , semi-autobiographical film is set in a provincial boarding school at Fontainebleu in the last months of World War Two ; twelve-year-old Quentin may be bright , but he does n't understand why new boy Jean Bornet should be so bullied by pupils and protected by teachers .
21 We suggest , however , that the tiredness experienced by young couples in the first months of a baby 's life is not just the result of broken nights , change of role , anxiety as to the well-being of so small and vulnerable a being , and doubts about being a good enough parent , but is also related to the strain of exercising a defence against envy of the baby to whom so much care and comfort is offered .
22 Common sense told her that by immersing herself in work the memory of the last months would recede , and with it would go her bitterness and sense of loss .
23 The Duke of Newcastle , an amiable obliging man whose sense of duty and failure to perceive his own inadequacies had led him to become Prime Minister in the last months of peace and to preside over the move to war , was now very well aware that things were falling apart .
24 More frequent visitors to the palace in the last months were the American and British ambassador , William Sullivan and Anthony Parsons .
25 Despite his lame leg , he also served with the hajduk leader Veljko in the last months of the Karadjordje revolt , and fled across the Danube when the Turks recaptured Belgrade in 1813 .
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