Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [num] decade " in BNC.

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1 The fineness of the gold began a gentle decline through the tenth century to about 90 per cent , and debasement accelerated during the following century until it took a sudden nosedive in the two decades between 1071 and 1092 , falling from about 70 per cent to a mere 10 per cent .
2 Outside of London , too , generally over the South , the West and the South-east , a decline in real wages set in at some point in the two decades centred on 1760 , as money wages fell behind rising prices .
3 Major shifts in population distribution have taken place over the two decades since the 1960s , despite the fact that the national population size is , by the 1980s , almost static .
4 The second aspect is the relative stability in the proportion of transport workers over the two decades , despite , as we know from Figure 3.1 , the job losses that have occurred in the transport service industries since the 1960s .
5 To assess whether mortality was changing during the study , the SMRs for patients diagnosed from 1972–80 and from 1981–9 were compared at 1 January 1981 ( SMR=44.7 ) and 1 January 1990 ( SMR=94.5 ) respectively and were not significantly different ( χ 2 2 1 =2.15 NS ) , which suggests the difference in survival curves for the two decades is due to a different age distribution of patients and does not reflect poorer clinical care in the 1980s .
6 The incidence of gastric cancer for men and women in the Oxfordshire region fell slightly from 18/100000 inhabitants at the beginning of the 1960 decade to 15/100000 inhabitants in the 1980s .
7 With control over Korea and Taiwan secure , Japan 's eyes turned to the territories of Northeast China and Manchuria , and Japan 's search for the acquisition of control over greater portions of Asian territory governed the development of Asian Japanese relations during the four decades up to 1945 .
8 Press campaigns on both sides did something , though just how much is still debated , to worsen Anglo-German relations in the two decades before 1914 .
9 Public policy over the three decades separating 1947 and 1979 , represented , on the whole , the upholding of a consensual approach towards criminal justice .
10 Table 4.3 gives details of population change over the two decades for the twenty counties and Scottish regions which in 1981 had the lowest population densities ( i.e. were the most rural ) .
11 The instability of Zaire , now going through its third major political upheaval in the three decades since independence , will probably encourage this kind of research into substitute materials to reduce the western world 's dependence on this critical metal .
12 Thus we ‘ know ’ that the creation of an extended welfare state was functional for capital in the three decades after 1945 because that was what occurred .
13 At one time it was widely believed that there had been a great rise in the birth-rate ; there was , in fact , a slow rise to the end of the 1861–70 decade , after which the rate began to fall .
14 It merely wants the PLO to learn , as the members of the popular movement themselves have learnt , that the strength of the national movement lies in the philosophy which has taken root so strongly in the territories over the 1977–87 decade .
15 LET'S GO surfing now — John Milius ’ most successful movie sets out on the ocean wave of West Coast surfing culture following the metamorphosis of three macho beach bums during the '60s decade of lost innocence , alcoholism , the draft and the mythic rites played out on the ocean wave .
16 With the partial exception of the two decades which followed the Treaty of Utrecht ( and even then there were probably never less than half a million men under arms in Europe ) there was scarcely a year in the century during which a large-scale struggle was not either raging or threatened in some part of the continent .
17 In the main , the college has produced little radical comment or research of note during the four decades of its existence , for the various chief officers have jealously ensured that any consolidation of ideological excellence at this location has been neutered , and under Home Office direction its senior courses have primarily been used to provide a stream of suitably acquiescent candidates for the ACPO ranks , who readily take on the symbols and metaphors of dominance which feed the appetite for power Stead warns against .
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