Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] find a " in BNC.

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1 – I dare say that when I strip the tank down in the future I 'll find a mixed colony lurking somewhere in a corner !
2 That is the sort of talk which must find a response in a country in which acute labour shortage coexists with unconscionably high unemployment .
3 Within a long programme you may find a short sequence which contains exactly what you want for a particular lesson .
4 In many grammar books you will find a rule which says that the subject AGREES WITH the verb .
5 In actual practice you could find an analysis that very often the things that have been repressed have not been repressed in the sense that they 've been totally submerged from your consciousness and totally forgotten without any trace , but what often happens is they 've become isolated or , or divorced from their context in your memory .
6 Perhaps during the next hour-long speech by the hon. Member for Dagenham ( Mr. Gould ) in Committee I will find an opportunity to do so .
7 On some brands you will find a top fitted but on most you will find there is a rail that fixes the units to the worktop .
8 Instead of a handpump on the bar you will find a tall fount with a two-way lever .
9 Behind the bar you will find a huge range of interesting Spanish liqueurs and brandies and you will find a bottle of dry sherry chilling in the fridge .
10 ‘ I think when you go back to your desk you will find a letter waiting for you from the Commissioner .
11 ‘ In the coach you 'll find a roll of Scotch bright . ’
12 Inside the desktop casing you 'll find a postage stamp sized motherboard , with 128Kb of secondary RAM cache .
13 If two people had some disagreement she could find a way of softening that situation .
14 The 120 attractively furnished bedrooms , with balcony , are divided among five small buildings , and in the gardens you will find a number of characteristic ‘ Trulli ’ houses .
15 Your way will eventually be blocked by a stone dyke , but if you stay near the burn you 'll find a gap .
16 For presentations to senior management you may find a vital member of the team arrives apologetically in the middle of your presentation .
17 Were you to bring a tenth of the consideration that you show them and your parishioners to needs that lie closer to home you would find a more contented wife at your side .
18 Adjacent to the Winery you will find a selection of Period Oak & Country Furniture , displayed in an Attractive Setting , Complemented by a selection of Paintings & Ceramics .
19 Enclosed with these notes you will find a letter referring to Fees for 1986 .
20 On the other side of the coin you might find a child who is experiencing such difficulties in his learning that the first line of attack must be in , in terms of perhaps producing just an improvement of his base level of learning , so that the next step can be taken .
21 At the end of each level you 'll find a shop where coins can be exchanged for extra weapons and life .
22 On the V8 109 if you remove the carbs from the manifold you will find a restrictor plate with small holes to strangle the engine power to comply with EEC regulations for type approval .
23 In an average Brazilian bus-load you will find an incredible mixture of races — European , native-Indian , Japanese , negro — all possible hues from black through khaki to fair-haired people who are probably of German descent .
24 In the Cleveland Shopping Centre in Middlesbrough you will find a one-fifth scale replica of Cook 's ship ‘ Endeavour ’ , built by shipwrights from Whitby , the heirs to the craftsmen who built the original ship in the 18th Century .
25 " Yes , if you allow conditions to continue as at present you will find a deliberate attempt is being made to assassinate the Conservative Party . "
26 If you go down to my secret chamber and look in one of the coffers you will find a crushed flower , a faded rose , more black than yellow now , but if I smell it and close my eyes ( like I did last night ) , then I am back again in Ralemberg 's garden and my blood runs free and the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers .
27 Pass through the village , and off to the right you will find a farmyard with chickens pecking , ducks waddling and a couple of horses grazing peacefully .
28 The lesson of the porcupine quills ( and for an actual example of how not to do it read my Zen There was Murder , if after all these years you can find a copy ) is that any part of your book that you do not directly present to the reader ought to be thought out in imaginative terms , just as thoroughly as you have used your imagination to make whatever you have written fully credible .
29 In all of these places you will find a wide variety of interesting small animals .
30 My best friend 's a collector And in her room you 'll find A box that …
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