Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [was/were] suggested that " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of this chapter it was suggested that the main features by which we can characterise the wider category of positivist criminology ( and which also serve to distinguish it from classical criminology ) are determinism , differentiation , pathology and the diversion of attention away from crime ( and the criminal law ) to the criminal .
2 In the previous chapter it was suggested that policies are complex phenomena which are hard to define with any precision .
3 Moreover , in a recent study it was suggested that aging is associated with increasing gastrin and pepsinogen secretion in humans , particularly in men .
4 At a meeting of the Steering Committee it was suggested that the corridor area between the foyer and the lecture theatre could be used to display some of the ‘ behind-the-scenes ’ activities of the Garden .
5 Following on from such work it was suggested that drugs which tend to increase the activity of acetylcholine might improve learning and memory .
6 At our last meeting it was suggested that two groups should meet to discuss the future work of the Council .
7 During the course of the meeting it was suggested that each Planning Department should nominate an appropriate member of staff to be the ‘ contact ’ person with the Scottish Wildlife Trust in relation to Wildlife Sites .
8 During this process it was suggested that a dummy engine be installed to save time and weight , but this idea was rejected on the grounds that the idea was for the Norseman to be as live an aircraft as it could be , and for it to taxi from the hangar in which is was being restored , across Howey Bay , to its position on the shoreline , adjacent to where it would be mounted on the pole .
9 In the Green Paper that presaged the proposed reforms it was suggested that , logically , the new benefit should be payable to the father through his pay packet rather than , as had been the case with family allowances , to the mother through the post office .
10 In some quarters it was suggested that the best solution would be to set up a government of ‘ national trustees ’ , headed by McKenna , who had deserted politics for banking and had not sat in ; Parliament since 1918 .
11 Since there is no doubt that an appeal is now properly before the Board it was suggested that the question whether the Court of Appeal was right to decline jurisdiction has become academic , and subject to one qualification their Lordships agree .
12 The purchaser of Caliban was expressed to be Mr. Perot 's son , Mr. Perot junior ; at one stage during the negotiation of the contract it was suggested that Mr. Perot 's daughters would be the purchasers .
13 In addition it was suggested that only about a quarter of the earlier sample of women had used birth control methods other than withdrawal compared with 57 per cent of the latter group .
14 They would still like to have some toddler swings for the playing field and as an interim measure it was suggested that one of the existing swings should be fitted with a suitable toddler seat .
15 This reluctance could be seen as part of the general strict interpretation of exclusion clauses , but in a line of cases it was suggested that there was a rule of law that an exclusion clause could never cover a fundamental breach .
16 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
17 Earlier in this book it was suggested that the idea of " popular power " could be seen as the core of the various ideas and conceptions of democracy .
18 In the introduction it was suggested that land became important during times of change .
19 Although it is realised that many of those teaching in London are also associated with outer counties it was suggested that London teachers might consider taking responsibility for this year 's Reunion .
20 Already , however , reports of the atrocities in the Highlands were causing revulsion in London and when that month Cumberland was made a freeman of a City livery company it was suggested that the most appropriate would be the butchers ' , giving Cumberland his enduring nickname .
21 In discussion it was suggested that one could consider the clash of values at the local level in terms of game theory , where ‘ traditionalists ’ were playing the game and were winning whereas ‘ progressivists ’ were not in the game but wanted to change the rules so that they could compete .
22 In letters to the Israeli and Palestinian delegations it was suggested that the two sides should concentrate on a discussion of the practical details of Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
23 Following the discovery of prostacyclin it was suggested that endothelial cell production of this very potent antiaggregatory substance might explain this important property ( Moncada et al , 1977 ; Moncada & Vane , 1978 ) .
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