Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] i suppose " in BNC.

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1 That 's been his main stock in trade I suppose — he 's always just ahead with what he says . ’
2 Yeah , yeah , it 's all a bit of pizzazz I suppose .
3 Well just that kind of person I suppose .
4 A kind of instinct I suppose .
5 Mm , well I 'm only going by cuts I 've seen , but same type of role I suppose .
6 Well erm the creation of surplus for investment I suppose .
7 ‘ If you 're away to glory in some sort of wilderness I suppose I have n't much option — but I must say that this is mighty strange — ’
8 Some sort of tension I suppose .
9 I mean I 'd had a sort of cry I suppose , but at the actual time I was glad I had a daughter [ after two sons ] .
10 Yes , I 'd say there was a definite move towards the same kinds of objects , the same kinds of styles and qualities of furniture being found in a wide variety of income groups , areas of the town , different types of houses , a much more over-all feel , really , a move towards classlessness I suppose you could call it .
11 During all the years in television I suppose I 've done thousands of interviews .
12 He used to go He came up when he would go from Blair and he would come up our glen and he would maybe walk over the hill to Braemar , or over the hill to Clover I suppose .
13 A sign of respect I suppose was it not ?
14 Yes a sign of respect I suppose .
15 Wake up mate er , cos you 'll have a slippy fan belt for supper I suppose you wan na go home now
16 A sense of urgency I suppose is another way of saying ‘ buzzing ’ .
17 there was a lot of meat I suppose really I mean erm
18 Anyway , if I could just erm describe how I managed to get there in the first place , which was all a matter of luck I suppose as much as anything erm I went to the East Anglian schools for erm blind and deaf children at Gorleston on Sea from nineteen twenty eight to nineteen thirty six , erm , in those days erm education for the er disabled er continued until sixteen .
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