Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] proved to be " in BNC.

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1 The McGhee decision has proved to be controversial as the plaintiff never established that the defendant was a cause of his damage .
2 This guitar has proved to be a favourite of everyone here .
3 Anton Rogan ( central defender/full back ) : Brought a few smiles when he revealed his ‘ grandad ’ vest at Stamford Bridge , but his switch to the heart of defence has proved to be an inspirational decision by Malcolm Crosby .
4 The plan to mark the silver jubilee by a co-ordinated programme of highlights of the normal year 's activities has proved to be very successful .
5 Santerre has proved to be a most loyal subject of the King but Hopkins served him as a chaplain and Buckingham came here looking for those relics . ’
6 Allen ( 1983 ) argued that provided treatment is directed at the underlying cause , most leg ulcers will heal spontaneously , which experience has proved to be true .
7 The reorganisation of DTI away from sectors has proved to be successful .
8 Epidemic disease has long fascinated historians , and its study has proved to be only too relevant to the present day .
9 Belbin 's description of team roles has proved to be very useful , especially in creating teams for specific purposes .
10 Ramon Mitra has proved to be a competent Speaker in the House of Representatives .
11 Moreover , the commercial spin-off from defence research has proved to be nothing like as great as the gains made from comparable expenditures on industrial research [ Peck , 1968 ] .
12 The dating of the various phases may be brought about by a study of the archaeology of the district , such methods having proved to be very valuable in the Fens .
13 After leaving the Navy , it took a little time to become used to a normal bed again , as the hammock had proved to be such an ideal sleeping arrangement .
14 Rosie Fortinbras had proved to be of minimal use as a source of information .
15 As a youngster Kylie had proved to be a wizard with a needle — amazing friends by being able to run up an outfit in under two hours .
16 The WRAC recruits have proved to be excellent shots and many of the scores achieved would be the envy of their male counterparts .
17 These methods have proved to be very effective in policy design .
18 The Astra range has proved to be a tremendous success , with the launch of the new model after a £200m investment a year ago .
19 The relationship between votes and seats in Ireland has proved to be usually inaccurate , and inconsistent also .
20 TAC SPELLS TRANSPARENCY IN ACTION An old-style committee has proved to be particularly good at meeting the requirements of openness and accountability
21 His work has proved to be perhaps the most widely influential cultural criticism of the 1980s — and it has direct bearing on photographic image-making and diffusion .
22 Unfortunately , philosophy has proved to be a poor guide in this respect .
23 Vera Pinder had proved to be a formidable mountain of a woman , verging on caricature , who refused to listen to a word , but kept aggressively repeating , 'Are you arresting him ?
24 The items I have found on such sites have proved to be of great interest , and I have been logging them down very carefully .
25 For most of these young mothers , their parents have proved to be a more sustaining source of support than their baby 's father .
26 One third of the disputes brought to the centre in the first year of operation could not be resolved because the ‘ other side ‘ would not agree to meet , although home visits have proved to be a way of overcoming this hurdle .
27 One of the authors , Phil Hanson , who is IBM 's consultancy team leader , commented : ‘ While few of our manufacturing companies have proved to be world class , it is good to see we have a significant number of strong contenders .
28 High resolution n.m.r. has proved to be a particularly useful tool in the study of the microstructure of polymers in solution , where the extensive molecular motion reduces the effect of long range interactions and allows the short range effects to dominate .
29 This teaching package has proved to be a very popular product .
30 In some cases such strife has proved to be recurrent over twenty years , as in Zaire , Sudan , and Burundi and in others more or less endemic , as in Chad and Uganda and in Ethiopia in its fight to contain Eritrea .
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