Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] always been popular " in BNC.

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1 Henley has always been popular with visitors and societies , and in 1935 the British Racing Drivers ' Club came , arranged by Henley Member J.A .
2 Biopic roles have always been popular with the Academy .
3 ‘ Our books have always been popular because they provide a light-hearted , escapist , romantic read , ’ said a spokeswoman , Carol Cherry .
4 Calendars and diaries have always been popular in good bookshops , many of these products spinning off from familiar sources ( Tolkien , Beatrix Potter ) and sold in by book publishers with the autumn lists .
5 Erm jumble sales have always been popular in .
6 Although the proven varieties of waterlilies have always been popular , some of the recent introductions of nymphaea will produce blooms of more intense colour and fragrance .
7 Situated right in the centre of the village this hotel has always been popular with British holidaymakers .
8 The Shorthorn/Highland first cross has always been popular but it took the concerted efforts of the three Cadzow brothers on an island off the west coast of Scotland to consolidate the virtues of the cross and turn it into a genuine breed , the Luing , named after the island of its origin .
9 Blaming the victim has always been popular with governments anxious to shrug off the blame attaching to themselves but the Conservative governments of the last decade have been particularly prone to this .
10 Mirrored doors have always been popular .
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