Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] on [adj] occasion " in BNC.

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1 From the imperative to refrain on this occasion the child may advance , as he observes the situation recur in his own or others ' experience , to his first general principle :
2 Only after weeks had passed with him ablaze like this did the hag stir on one occasion when he came to call and curse him — ; or he felt she did — with her eyes open and one hand raised and pointing .
3 If the original parties to a transaction effectively have no other outlet or source once the original contract has been awarded , and they are highly uncertain about the contemporary environment at the time when terms must be renegotiated , an organizational form ( for example a monitoring and control system ) that is tailor-made for that transaction might substantially reduce bargaining costs on each occasion when renegotiation takes place .
4 Waking Glastonbury had on this occasion required him to bellow his nanny impersonation four times , causing old Mauleverer to come staggering out of his nearby bedroom asking if the club was on fire .
5 Is Klima , as the angry friend alleges on this occasion , a flirt , who goes from girl to girl ?
6 This is a much lower level of use than either Edinburgh or Glasgow , but in view of the standard of service observed on this occasion , it is impossible to say whether this usage figure represents lower demand , or merely laxity in control .
7 If the standard of service observed on this occasion is general , it may be that this reflects the low priority given to library expenditure in this university .
8 They formed the great bulk of the riotous crowd in 1749 who , after three sailors had been robbed in a brothel , rioted and burned down bawdy houses in the Strand in a three-day riot , although the only unfortunate Tyburn example made on this occasion was the improbably named Bosavern Penlez , a wig maker .
9 The collectorship of supply , as Montrose remarked on another occasion , was ‘ an affair that too often divides neighbours ’ , and he might have added , it also divided political interests .
10 On this view pragmatics ( at least in part ) is about how , given a sentence uttered in a context , that context plays a role in specifying what proposition the sentence expresses on this occasion of utterance .
11 This section gives relief in respect of a disposition made on the occasion of the dissolution of the marriage or if it varies a disposition made on that occasion .
12 The coroner had not got where he was by thinking , and he showed no inclination to start on this occasion .
13 While not the most encouraging offer which a Prime Minister can receive , support from outside is a time-honoured formula and one which has frequently been used with much less excuse than Asquith had on this occasion .
14 The quantity of cannabis seized on this occasion was 1.5 tons with an estimated street value of 1.5 million pounds .
15 You can be assured I needed no further encouragement to run on that occasion , but that 's another tale . )
16 He 's desperate to score one and it was rather curious on Saturday that it was his shot , parried by , a player with an England pedigree should better than the Palace goalkeeper did on that occasion .
17 The police managed on this occasion to whisk the two away to a more distant jail .
18 Burke said : ‘ Middlesbrough froze on that occasion .
19 He was also surprised at a later date to find on one occasion an abstract in Minton 's studio .
20 Thus , when his secretary of the treasury ventured on one occasion to suggest that colonial rule was more efficient than the successor regimes in the newly independent states , the president brusquely retorted that it was his " personal conviction that almost any one of the newborn states of the world would far rather embrace Communism or any other form of dictatorship than accept the political domination of another government even though that brought to each citizen a far higher standard of living " .
21 In fact the limitations which Baldwin accepted on this occasion were almost meaningless .
22 Colby Simpkins is one of the elect , above familial ties or mundane circumstances , like Harry in The Family Reunion and Celia in The Cocktail Party — although Eliot has on this occasion eschewed the Furies or martyrdom as a way of emphasizing Colby 's difference from those who are content with a secular existence .
23 Standing on the Braid Hills , with a fine view over the city , two miles from Princes Street , off A702 , this is a popular resort for Sunday lunches ( best book in advance ) and a pleasant spot to eat on any occasion .
24 But er , we were not successful in putting up an er and er to have a member of Wales elected on this occasion to serve for the next seven years unfortunately !
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