Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] talk to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Kinnear tried to talk to Graham Taylor yesterday to push the claims of Robbie Earle and Warren Barton .
2 After the Glasgow gig , the lads got talking to JERRY from the TEENAGE FANCLUB who came back to pay his respects and nick the beer from their rider .
3 From there I looked back to see Xanthe begin to talk to Mrs Young , at first slowly , with brakes on , and then faster and faster , until all the unhappiness was pouring out like a flood .
4 David remembers talking to Isaac Asimov , the science-fiction writer , about God and so on .
5 If a journalist wished to talk to Richard Branson , he simply telephoned ; not only did Branson invariably take the call , but he treated the journalist with civility .
6 Tonight , Karen wanted to talk to Tony .
7 DSS officials agreed to talk to Mr Szuluk , but asked our cameras to leave the premises .
8 The DUP 's attitude to future talks is unambiguous — either the Dublin government ‘ deals with ’ articles 2 and 3 of the constitution and John Hume stops talking to Gerry Adams or Ian Paisley will not be at the conference table .
9 After the afflicted family had left , it was almost six , and Shelley went to talk to Victoria , the beautiful Spanish receptionist .
10 Anna wanted to talk to Sarah , but just then a policeman said loudly : ‘ All stand , please . ’
11 It had been an uneventful morning , apart from the trainer behaving with more surliness than usual , and Kelly needed to talk to Annie .
12 " Maman has to talk to Anderson — a boring old business talk — no fun for little girls . "
13 If the abbey was a marvel of man 's work , the Tor was God 's answer for in that flat land it looked like one of the high places mentioned in the bible where the ancient patriarchs went to talk to Yahweh .
14 Because it rained all the next week , Mary went to talk to Colin every day instead of visiting the garden .
15 Find out if Celia Hazell had talked to Elaine , and , just as important , try to find out why she was so terrified of the tissue-typing results .
16 After the meeting a lot of people wanted to talk to Karen and ask her about the last few days .
17 The next day Bernard went to talk to Father William , and came home to say yes , it was okay , Ellen could take instruction and , if all went well , could become a convert to Catholicism .
18 But first Bob wants to talk to Evelyn Lennox before they go .
19 Andrew had talked to Nicandra a little aside from the others .
20 The Doctor decides to talk to Bennett in his cabin , but when the man tells him to go away he forces open the door — only to find a tape recorder and an escape hatch door in the floor .
21 As Santa left Randolph , all the other reindeers came to talk to Randolph .
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