Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [adj] tears " in BNC.

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1 No blue skies , just the same depressing grey she had grown used to , and as the events of yesterday flooded relentlessly into her mind her eyes filled with helpless tears .
2 ‘ Apparently not , ’ she whispered as her eyes filled with stinging tears .
3 She loved him so much that it was painful to just stand there watching him , and her eyes filled with easy tears .
4 Her eyes filled with sudden tears .
5 She stood there until the rapturous applause died down and the peacock screen rose from the floor , hiding all behind it , then , her eyes clouded by emotional tears conjured up by the sheer beauty of what she had just witnessed , she turned blindly , colliding with a hard male body .
6 Even as he drifted into sleep , his eyes pricked with unshed tears and his mind was filled with images of the Irishman snorting like a foraging pig around his mam 's naked body .
7 Glaring at him , her eyes washed with impotent tears , she tried to push past him , only to be caught in a punishing grip .
8 Her eyes stung with fresh tears .
9 His eyes glittered with unshed tears .
10 Her eyes glittered with unshed tears , but now they stemmed more from anger than misery .
11 His cruelty made it difficult to hide her hurt , and her big brown eyes swum with unshed tears .
12 Her eyes burned with unshed tears .
13 Her fears were justified during the next few hours , and Claudia was relieved when Dana at last went to sleep , curled up in Claudia 's spare bed , her rumpled curls damp with angry tears .
14 Jess looked through held tears at the blurred hunched shape who had spoken up for her .
15 It spanned the road ahead , the brickwork streaked with dark tears and three black holes in the middle , one for the traffic and two smaller ones on each side for pedestrians , and they looked to Preston like mouths , or nostrils , breathing fog .
16 She lifted her head and though her eyes burned and her throat ached with unshed tears , outwardly , she was a picture of perfect composure .
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