Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] be aware " in BNC.

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1 At the initial design stage , and during the implementation of the program , the programmer needs to be aware of and act upon a number of factors .
2 The programmer has to be aware right from the initial design stage of the implications of the program design in terms of memory and speed requirements , and must be aware of techniques for optimizing any combination of these factors that is required .
3 Anyone considering selling by auction needs to be aware that the costs involved will be higher .
4 Anyone who is charged with running classes , sections of schools or whole schools needs to be aware of what those assumptions are and of their effects .
5 Suddenly , the figure seemed to be aware of Jack 's presence and turned towards him , as if to ask what he wanted .
6 Teachers in ordinary schools need to be aware that some visually handicapped pupils may have these social needs while at the same time encouraging positive and enjoyable social interaction between pupils within the full range of vision .
7 With this in mind , those concerned with information management in schools need to be aware of any new technologies which can assist in the development of learning skills which are relevant across and beyond the curriculum .
8 Although no one spoke of it , not a soul in the hall failed to be aware that Paul Arkwright , possessing one of the most brilliant minds of the century , had died in a mental asylum after having , many years ago now , made an attempt on his own life .
9 The village child needs to be aware of the noise and movement of the big city .
10 Parents have to be aware that not absolutely every accident is preventable and if they 're not prepared for their children to run that element of risk then obviously they have the choice of not letting their children go . ’
11 Children go through various stages of obedience and disobedience as they develop and parents need to be aware that direct confrontation may not be the best method of handling the situation .
12 More than specific child management skills , parents need to be aware of the level of understanding of their child , his anxieties , frustrations and emotional needs .
13 The other changes are relatively minor , but the reporting accountant needs to be aware of them .
14 The approach to understanding organisations that concentrates its focus on people within organisations needs to be aware of what it is that motivates people within those organisations .
15 In other words , the type of critical and political self-analysis which New Historicists claim to be aware of is insufficiently foregrounded when reading a Renaissance text .
16 Report co-author Ellen Malos said : ‘ Social workers need to be aware of the gap between the law and the more generous government guidance on the law . ’
17 Professionals and voluntary workers need to be aware of these needs , although equally they should be aware of the vulnerability of people with mental disorders and should resist any temptation to proselytize or advocate a particular religion or sect , no matter how strong their own spiritual beliefs .
18 Individuals need to be aware of their rights if this kind of legislation is to work .
19 However , any organisation has to be aware of the environment within which it operates .
20 Wild sows appear to be aware of this danger , and often hesitate before lowering each foot to the group .
21 Before the Act , there was some doubt as to whether or not a person had to be aware that his conduct or language was or might be regarded as being threatening , abusive or insulting .
22 and all these teams have to be aware of the others ' needs .
23 Managers need to be aware of these different needs and recognise the stage at which individuals have reached in the satisfaction of their needs .
24 Another point that Akpata has brought up is that match and event organisers need to be aware of the ‘ trauma hospital ’ closest to their area , and should have a person capable of performing triage at the ready .
25 Before putting themselves forward for selection , potential candidates and their families need to be aware of the foreign country 's environment — for instance its language(s) , climate and culture , its housing and education facilities , what security is like , and where they will be living and working .
26 Therefore , more and more , businesses need to be aware of their liabilities , both actual and contingent .
27 Agencies need to be aware that the European Court of Human Rights , in finding the United Kingdom Government to be in breach of articles six and eight of the European convention of Human Rights in recent child care cases , cited failure to involve the parents in decision making as a factor in their judgements . ’
28 Accountants need to be aware of this as much as other functional staff .
29 Very few people appear to be aware of it . ’
30 Much of the discussion related to the three layered model above applies to these situations , but the analyst needs to be aware of other frameworks and recognise them when they occur .
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