Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] brought [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Her figure-hugging topaz velvet suit brought out the tawny lights in her brown eyes .
2 Mrs. Butler brought in the tea , and raised her eyes to heaven when she saw Jenny weeping again .
3 The ghosts of Bannockburn walked abroad , as Scotland 's rugby team brought down the much-fancied England XV at Murrayfield by 13–7 and scooped all the prizes from the five-nations international championship .
4 The Argus group of South Africa brought out the Rhodesia Herald in 1892 .
5 Later that evening when they were seated comfortably in the bar Mary brought up the subject of the eerie feeling in the cutting ; they agreed it had been a most disturbing experience and that there must be some explanation .
6 Troop Sergeant Haines brought up the rear as the raiders moved towards the Old Entrance lock bridge ( 'G' ) but had first to swing north round the buildings on the east of the basin .
7 And beside Janequin and Sermisy Attaingnant brought out the songs of such younger men as the immensely prolific Pierre Certon and Sandrin , whose ‘ Doulce memoire ’ was transcribed for lute or keyboard all over Europe from Spain to Poland .
8 The 1988 Education Reform Act brought about the greatest changes to the education system since 1944 .
9 To tackle this , Mr Lamont brought in the most stringent proposals since Lord Howe under Baroness Thatcher in the early 1980s .
10 In late September 1934 , Gil Robles brought down the government and the CEDA was admitted to a reformed cabinet .
11 After two and a half years , Mr Lawrence brought in the consultants , McKinsey & Co .
12 The collapse of the export market for Yorkshire coal brought about the decline of the port .
13 Perhaps of all the marquetry skills , the three veneer class brought out the most consistent high levels of artistic interpretation .
14 The Oscar-winner 's shock decision brought down the curtain on a glittering 30-year screen career .
15 While Pius XII 's encyclical Mystici Corporis brought back the concept of the Church as the body of Christ to the centre of Catholic teaching , it most remarkably avoided the slightest reference in this to the relationship between the Eucharistic body and the ecclesial body , and omitted the slightest notice of the basic Pauline text for that relationship , 1 Corinthians 10.17 .
16 Jesus Christ brought in the Piscean Age ( hence , it is alleged , the ichthus fish sign of the new church and the numerous allusions to fishermen being turned into fishers of men ) .
17 The marathon four mile trip brought out the best in Keep Talking and he rallied well when challenged by the useful Irish raider High Peak to win by four lengths .
18 In some rural communities the role of billeting officer brought out the worst in people , as Evelyn Waugh amusingly recorded in Put Out More Flags ( 1942 ) .
19 If Soren Kierkegaard vitiated the easy-going philosophical idealism of his day with his heavily personalised challenges to it ; if von Rochau brought in the concept of Realpolitik to Bismarck 's Germany ; and if Karl Barth ushered in ‘ Crisis Theology ’ in Switzerland ; it is at least arguable that Irving Layton fathered ‘ Crisis Poetry ’ in Canada : poetry that demanded a decision , a response ; that cut through the emollient patter and posed a rough demand on the reader or hearer .
20 The unmistakable figure of the immaculate Captain Trentham brought up the rear .
21 After the harvest Kāli brought up the cows to graze the stubble and fertilize the fields for next year 's buckwheat crop .
22 But the Cup defeat brought out the team 's fighting qualities , and a resurgence took them to the League Championship with 58 points , four ahead of Aston Villa , and with 118 goals .
23 Indeed , it was a subject which Alison Nicholas and Laura Davies brought up the following week as they watched Ian Woosnam going for his putts in the World Cup at the nearby Grand Cypress Resort .
24 WALT Disney 's 31st full animated feature Aladdin brought out the stars for its world premiere on the weekend in Los Angeles at a charity screening .
25 The champagne atmosphere brought out the best in the Australians .
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