Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] have be told " in BNC.

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1 The jury in the David Nock murder trial has been told that the accused man showed off the alleged murder weapon to his workmates .
2 Lifelong Swindon Town football fans have been told they 'll miss one of the biggest games in the club 's history — because they 're disabled .
3 In Bucharest Dalby had been told by a totally reliable source that Ion Manescu , brutal Securitate chief , was alive .
4 Thamesdown Borough Councillors have been told that expenditure to tackle the problem of subsidence is virtually inescapable .
5 BANBRIDGE Council has been told that anglers have given up fishing at Loughbrickland Lake because the fish stock has been completely destroyed by cormorants .
6 Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have been told that a formal request will be made to Britain to seize the general 's dosh .
7 A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable .
8 PRINCESS DIANA has been told she can not see her sons until next Tuesday .
9 Mrs Cath Thompson and Mrs Judy Robinson had been told senior officials from Grand Met , which owns 28 pubs in the Darlington area , would travel to the town to hear publicans ' grievances .
10 Two years later they successfully appealed against the ruling in the High Court … and now Mr Gilberthorpe 's been told he 's too late bring the case to court again .
11 Mr Ritchie has been told by legal counsel that this new evidence in their opinion provides substantial grounds for Mr Lang to order a retrial or a full reinvestigation of the case , but assessment of the appeal documents is at an early stage .
12 The Ministry of Defence has denied negligence , although Mr Ferrante has been told that RAF rules governing training at Brize Norton have been changed .
13 One reported that safety inspectors had been told " not to find too many faults " .
14 He added that during the repair process Mr Hall had been told he could exchange the Rolls for another vehicle but had refused .
15 The move comes on top of NCR UK 's December announcement that 8% , or 150 to 160 sales and marketing staff had been told that their jobs were in jeopardy .
16 Jail chiefs have been told a prisoner snatched the keys from a warder who fell asleep on duty .
17 There is , to my mind , no doubt that Mr Bloch and his locksmith would not have been permitted by Mr Clayton to interfere with the existing lock if Mr Clayton had been told that that act was intended in any way to interfere with his rights under his existing sub-lease .
18 Their trial , on Health and Safety charges has been told that they knew the gantry was unsafe but did nothing about it .
19 The TV licensing authority in Bristol confirmed Mr Smart had been told that technically he 'd be breaking the law if he watched TV before receiving the new licence .
20 Meanwhile , the poor actors who are facing long stints on the Costa Eldorado have been told by the BBC that if they want to come home on breaks or holidays , they will have to pay their own fare .
21 At least someone with the car 's description and registration number had been told they were coming .
22 Thirty seven workers at a world famous piano factory have been told they 're out of a job .
23 An inquest on Grant Mann has been told that he was shot in the head at close range .
24 A fifty bed cottage hospital is under threat as G Ps have been told to spend more time in their surgeries .
25 Cypriot authorities had been told he had been smuggled from the country .
26 Rush hour in Oxford and this taxi driver 's been told his exhaust pollution 's too high .
27 Meanwhile Mrs Wranklin has been told she does n't need to pay up .
28 Mrs Falconer has been told that her post as senior lecturer can no longer be funded by the new university .
29 Fr Cunningham has been told that whenever he feels he has had enough he can retire to the house he 's living in .
30 Now Philip McKenna has been told the council is pulling the block from under him .
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