Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] the eye " in BNC.

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1 To make a stitch 1/8in ( 3mm ) long , the needle thread has to be drawn from the top spool , through the guides and top tension discs to the eye of the needle .
2 The interior of the church — reached by going through an ornate entrance archway that seems to be competing with the presbytery doorway for the eye of the visitor — has some good frescoes , particularly the Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Baptist by Giovan Battista Crespi , and a canvas study of the Nativity by Marco d'Oggiono .
3 An alternative was to insert cowrie shells in the eye sockets of wooden images like those found as far apart as Togoland , the Philippines and New Zealand .
4 I caught a boot heel in the eye ; apart from other places . ’
5 Final preparation of the bud consists of cutting square the top tip of the bud shield , and lightly bending back the other tongue end just enough for a tiny sliver of pith wood behind the eye to lift .
6 Something on the local news about her poking some television woman in the eye , to say nothing of her dancing the night away with John Major .
7 Work that wire all the way , look upon it as none other than a super-length needle with the eye in the bend of the wire .
8 Here , a granuloma forms around the larva on the retina , often resembling a retinoblastoma , and there have been cases of precipitate removal of the eye in children following misdiagnosis .
9 It is a harder look that denies unemployment , actual or probable ; it refuses the fact of recession and industrial decrepitude ; it stares the social lie of mid-eighties Britain right in the eye and lies right back .
10 But perhaps the greatest personal satisfaction was earned by Gerard Larrousse as he watched Aguri Suzuki finish sixth in the Larrousse-Lola and poke a championship point in the eye of those who had recently stripped the French team of its hard-won rewards from last year .
11 Swindon Magistrates were told she 'd lost her temper and punched 88-year-old Sarah Fribbins in the eye .
12 Jonathon now worked on model ships under the eye of Uncle Philip and was learning how to carve them directly from wood .
13 The man ran off into nearby fields and stabbed PC Lucey in the eye when he followed .
14 Instead , she sat up and looked the big rascal right in the eye .
15 As to the deployment of a RDF , this would entail a mixed air and sea operation under the eye of the US Central Command based in Florida , to transport airborne , marine and other formations from the US .
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