Example sentences of "india [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fantastic though it may seem , in retrospect , the British proceeded to apply to India the Canadian model , complete with its Burkeian fallacy , that liberty equals empire , and with its federalist corollary .
2 In southern India The Body Shop has provided the means to set up a boys ' town for destitute youngsters .
3 Earth Report ( 1988 ) , for example , states that in Pakistan more than 65 per cent of the country 's 150 000 km 2 of irrigated land are thus affected ; in Egypt 35 per cent of farmland has salinity and waterlogging problems and in Iraq and India the situation is similarly acute .
4 Baker is keen to develop with India the kind of relationship on space technology that Britain has with Canada .
5 In the midst of these , in 1926 , there arrived in India the man who was to take up the challenge Gandhi had thrown down to the Englishman 's belief in his god-given aptitude for rule — the sixteenth viceroy , Lord Irwin .
6 In India the production of salt was a government monopoly : he announced that he would walk the 250 miles from Ahmedabad to the sea and break the law by making salt .
7 There was , of course , no question of denying India the freedom which had so often been promised in the irresponsibility of opposition .
8 Throughout the southern and western parts of India the live snake itself is also the object of veneration , and at a multitude of Cobra shrines and in temples it is fed on milk , sweetmeats , sugar , etc. , nurtured and worshipped as being the bodily vehicle of that higher cosmic power or spirit which is to be approached with reverence and honoured .
9 Throughout India the image of the Swastika is as ubiquitous as the image of the Serpent .
10 On Siva temples throughout India the right-angled Swastika is ever present .
11 All over India the right-angled Swastika is commonly regarded as a sign of good luck .
12 In India the total population is currently about 665 million of which 244 million ( 37% ) are economically active .
13 A rapacious British land taxation policy was partly responsible for a series of famines in Bengal in the second half of the eighteenth century , while elsewhere in India the staple foods of the poor such as millet and pulses were displaced by the production for export of grains and commercial crops ( Bagchi , 1982 , pp. 79 , 84 , 86 ) .
14 Thus in caste-bound India the role of spirit-inspired priest or ‘ shaman ’ , the onset of which is announced by a possession ‘ illness ’ , is a career enabling low caste men to climb to positions of eminence and power .
15 In India the power of the Moghul Empire was rising to its zenith .
16 Parliament had some regard for the rights of property ; the old Company was allowed to run in competition with the new one for a few years , and of course in India the old Company had advantages in organization , in diplomatic connections , and in possessing established forts and factories .
17 One has seen within the vast population of India the emergence of a substantial middle class with purchasing power equal to any European nation .
18 Over India the Unionists resented the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms in general .
19 Like Congress in India the AFPFL secured the key Home ministry .
20 Whereas in Europe , the Nile Valley , south-west Asia and India the supreme measure of value attached to gold , in China and the Maya zone of Mesoamerica it went to jade .
21 When they first obtained them from India the Romans mounted them as finger-rings less for their appearance than as symbols of hardness and strength .
22 In India the situation was further complicated by dietary requirements .
23 In India the railways never made any attempt to distinguish among the castes .
24 But in India the technology for this does not exist .
25 In India the Self Employed Women 's Association is a co-operative of informals with its own sickness benefit and welfare scheme .
26 Will he urge on the Government of India the importance of allowing independent observers and visitors into that region , and of taking up Pakistan 's offer that independent observers should be stationed along the line of control , to deal with the movement of people and the problem of terrorism , as well as the human rights issue ?
27 Not bad for a boy whose first two Tests , against India the winter before last , ended with him nursing figures of one for 228 .
28 Enough food to give 330 children in India a nourishing meal .
29 The fluency of Indians in English , a legacy of British rule , has made India a lucrative hunting ground for US computer firms on the lookout for qualified computer manpower .
30 For Richard Warner , this sailor also brought from India a Cycas circinalis , unfortunately to be decapitated by crossfire from the French when nearly home .
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