Example sentences of "appear to have " in BNC.

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1 But there is some question of a pathogenic secret , of the recovery of material hitherto repressed which influenced his perception of his mother : and his understanding of the past would certainly appear to have been enlarged by his researches .
2 Justin , who would appear to have lost some of his old charisma , became the straight man of the act — always mending things .
3 These influences , however , would appear to have receded , or to have been digested .
4 ( Non-autistic mentally-retarded children would appear to have a different kind of problem . )
5 Prost 's observations need to be weighed against his mounting paranoia as Senna continually proves to be the faster of the two but , when you see only one member of the McLaren-Honda management standing by Prost 's car on the grid in Spain while five key people fussed around Senna , Prost 's fears would appear to have substance .
6 Sir : Canon Oestreicher ( letter , 5 October ) would appear to have allowed political prejudice to cloud impartial judgement .
7 He said there did not appear to have been a break-in .
8 I see wide attackers being allowed to come inside for shots , centre-backs who do not appear to have a clue about positional play and plenty of evidence to suggest that we are no longer producing defenders with the ability and confidence to cope on their own . ’
9 The final Russian snub , though it does not appear to have been taken as such by the Belorussians , came in January 1921 when the Belorussian SSR was constituted .
10 Yet , ironically , Stead 's recollection of Eliot 's walking in the woods , in true Frazerian style , after his baptism at Finstock in Oxfordshire on 29 June 1927 , perceives just the unusual link of savage and city which Eliot might appear to have renounced : ‘ … after dinner we went for a twilight walk through Wychwood , an ancient haunted forest , ‘ savage and enchanted ’ .
11 Lack of academic training does not appear to have been a handicap for Roddick .
12 Private wealth certainly does n't appear to have been translated into personal greed where Roddick is concerned .
13 Even if it is accepted that there is now overwhelming evidence that we possess a body clock , it will appear to have little use .
14 A rather unsatisfactory marriage was glorified in his imagination by high-sounding comparisons between himself and Dante , while his largely innocent office romances — which do not appear to have gone much beyond crushes on secretaries — were seen in terms of Launcelot 's devotion to Guinevere and the threatened breaking of the Round Table .
15 Polite , friendly , neither intense nor passionate in their responses , they do not appear to have strong opinions either about chess or about their own future .
16 If the girls do not appear to have an even average awareness of culture — a friend said that a couple of years ago Zsuzsa had never heard of
17 AT FIRST glance , this boy would appear to have everything .
18 This seems an academic disputation compared with the salient fact that the programme , whichever way you look at it , would appear to have hardly a single vote in it .
19 Hearns had looked over-the-hill in his previous fight and the pair at times did not appear to have the earnestness which fighters normally show .
20 Equally , changes in the proportion of people married in particular age categories does not appear to have contributed to any significant decline in population increases .
21 The inequality of wealth and income was still gross , although the rise of unemployment does not appear to have worsened the position of the working classes .
22 Nevertheless , fascism does not appear to have gained a strong or permanent foothold within most Conservative constituency parties .
23 Given that the rituals of circumcision and menstrual taboo , like the other blood rituals , would appear to have derived at least in their final form from the trauma of the exile to Babylon and the consequent restructuring of the Jewish community , we shall need to start our historical survey some centuries further back in time in order to locate and appreciate the profound changes which occurred in and around the sixth century BC .
24 Whilst blood would appear to have been associated with circumcision from the earliest times ( witness the account of Zipporah in Exodus 4.24–6 ) this character of the rite , as I hope shortly to show , assumed new dimensions and significances with the experience of the exile and the developments which I have just outlined .
25 He gave me a few quick , curious glances from time to time as I slowly sipped my coffee , but he did not appear to have heard any of the rumours .
26 If we can trust the figures which suggest that Christians tended to marry at a notably higher age than their pagan contemporaries , Christianity would appear to have reinforced these shifts towards marriage as a more personal and free partnership of equals .
27 But , strikingly , Hitler 's personal preoccupation with ‘ the struggle against the Jews ’ does not appear to have figured as a leading component of his image for the bulk of the population .
28 Not everyone , however , liked Mrs Stowe : Thackeray began , but does not appear to have finished , a spoof , now in the New York Public Library , which begins : ‘ An army of 500 thousand ladies with tasteful banners on which poor Gumbo is displayed kneeling in his chains … ’ .
29 Such a condition was obviously inserted to encourage Cornishmen to make their contributions to the royal coffers , but its enforcement against individual landowners would appear to have been impracticable once disafforestment had taken place .
30 These new accounting procedures do not appear to have lasted long , however .
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