Example sentences of "readers who " in BNC.

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1 There may be readers who object that the novel makes a mystique of darkness and futility in the course of saying that the whole island is peripheral , arrested .
2 There must also have been readers who were led to reflect on Othello 's self-righteous murder of Desdemona , and to reflect that Shakespeare 's play expresses a view of mixed marriages which is both encouraging and discouraging .
3 Many readers who know nothing else about Piaget 's work will know of his experiments on ‘ conservation ’ .
4 This word is ‘ Readers ’ , which seems to indicate by my reckoning that 5 out of every 6 letters written on women players are sent to readers who are Steffi Graf fans .
5 To any readers who feel hard done by or annoyed please accept my sincere apologies .
6 Any readers who want to collect aluminium cans can either send them to me or contact local scrap metal dealers and take them there , where they can then donate the cash to a charity of their own choice .
7 In which case ‘ history ’ becomes a force to be resisted by readers who like literature , and who may also like history , but have never thought they were one and the same thing .
8 Pound was in all seriousness embarked on an epic poem ( which he defined , following of all unlikely authorities Rudyard Kipling , as ‘ the tile of the tribe ’ ) ; he could not and did not expect understanding from readers who supposed that the epic poem had died in the seventeenth century if not before , whose expectations therefore were conditioned by their experience of the brief or else extended lyric .
9 What will disconcert readers who come to Pound after Eliot , what they will find either refreshing or exasperating , is the literalness of Pound 's imagination .
10 The Independent can offer ten pairs of free tickets for Mon 9 Oct to the first ten readers who phone 01-436 0605 today ( between 10am and 10.30am only ) with the answer to the following question : which film is A Little Night Music based on ?
11 As such , it should command the attention even of readers who feel that they have no time for the art .
12 Readers who believe in reincarnation will probably not find all this such tough going .
13 Sir : The recent death of your food correspondent , Jeremy Round , was a cause of great sadness not only for his family and friends but also to the many thousands of readers who regularly enjoyed his articles .
14 Readers who want to hear who wins the Peter Pears Award First Prize of £5000 can buy two tickets for the price of one in the stalls or dress circle ( £6-£8.50 ) upon presentation of this page at the Sadler 's Wells Box Office or by quoting this offer on 01-278 8916 Sun 6.30pm Sadler 's Wells , Rosebery Ave EC1 .
15 Sun/Star readers were more likely than others to have no preference at all in 1986 ( despite voting in 1987 ) , and at the same time , those Sun/Star readers who did have a preference in 1986 were more likely than others to change it during the next year ( Table 8.16 ) .
16 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
17 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
18 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
19 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
20 As Whale ( 1977 , p. 84 ) argues : ‘ It is readers who determine the character of newspapers . ’
21 Viewers who alleged bias on television tended to give television news lower marks for ‘ usefulness ’ than viewers who perceived no bias on television ; but readers who alleged bias in their papers tended to give their papers higher marks for ‘ usefulness ’ than readers who perceived no bias in their paper ( Chapter 6 ) .
22 Viewers who alleged bias on television tended to give television news lower marks for ‘ usefulness ’ than viewers who perceived no bias on television ; but readers who alleged bias in their papers tended to give their papers higher marks for ‘ usefulness ’ than readers who perceived no bias in their paper ( Chapter 6 ) .
23 Thus subscription prices were shooting up and cutting off thousands of readers who could no longer afford them .
24 There must be quite a number of readers who have had Uxbridge Cottage Pie at some time — and I obviously can not tell how the 1991 version compared with earlier versions — but I can say that I enjoyed this particular dish and that the taste and texture were very good .
25 He published at least one book a year ; readers who began could not put them down , though at the end of the book they had received nothing .
26 It is worth describing it at such length so that readers who have not read Tolkien 's ‘ minor ’ works might develop some idea of Lewis 's importance as Tolkien 's ‘ onlie begetter ’ or ‘ miglior fabbro ’ , for there can be very little doubt that it was Lewis 's friendship and encouragement which led Tolkien to write the works which made his name with the public ; just as it was Tolkien 's friendship which released in Lewis wells of creativity which had remained ( though he was so naturally fluent ) mysteriously dry .
27 ISUGGEST any of your readers who are confused about the aims of modernism ( ‘ The underbelly of an architect ’ , November 4 ) should read Pevsner 's Pioneers of Modern Design .
28 We apologise to those readers who did not receive the Guardian on Saturday when mechanical problems at our London printing plant affected some later editions ..
29 Thanks to the several hundred Young Guardian readers who wrote their accounts of Growing Up In the Eighties for the Outloud column .
30 And our thanks to the readers who have given us their continuing support .
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