Example sentences of "frequently [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 During those months you 've frequently explained how we would both benefit from informing the literary world of the trick Tristram and I played on it .
2 And I 've frequently explained how fame and wealth mean very little at my age .
3 When girls perform well such behaviour is frequently explained in terms of their ‘ conformity ’ , for example , they ask the right questions because … it is expected of them , not because they are bright ; they follow the rules because … they are passive and dependent , not because they are anxious to do well ; their work is neat and tidy , therefore not creative .
4 But there was a limit to what Mr Aczel , the party 's ideologist , could tolerate and the gradual thaw was frequently punctuated with repressive measures against those who fell out of line .
5 Unlike British broadcasting , radio was from the start in the hands of commercial companies , with its programmes frequently punctuated by advertisements .
6 Voice transmissions are frequently relayed on the VOR frequencies ; you should not rely on these transmissions to identify a VOR station , because they are often simultaneously relayed on other VOR 's .
7 Her husband Mervyn worked at the Swindon railway workshops for 46 years and was frequently exposed to asbestos .
8 The targets were frequently altered , bomb loads changed , keeping the armourers constantly on the run with bombs lying about all over the field .
9 A man tortured by a continual fever with exacerbations , to me appears the image of the English government , constantly disturbed by parties , and frequently altered by revolutions . ’
10 Most frequently altered in large bowel tumours are c-Ki-ras and c-mye , c-Ki-ras , one of the family of ras oncogenes , encodes a 21kD G-protein involved in the transduction of mitogenic signals across the cell membrane .
11 Other oncogenes less frequently altered in large bowel tumours include c-src , raised in 62% of cancers ; c-myb , deleted in 9% , and c-erbB-2 , amplified in 4% .
12 Valium , therefore , is frequently prescribed for problems such as loneliness and marital discord , the latter interestingly considerably more evident in female than male section referrals in our study .
13 Contact lenses are less frequently prescribed for children than spectacles because physical growth is still taking place and because they are relatively more expensive .
14 Thus previous foreign shareholders received not only some ( albeit frequently delayed ) compensation for the shares sold , but also a reliable annual income .
15 Likewise , in that same world , where financial probity may not be widespread in general but is strictly enforced within the sport , Copersucar 's interminable financial difficulties , its frequently delayed payments , its general insecurity and inability to meet its commitments , took their toll of most people 's tolerance .
16 Peck , though , dismisses the event as ‘ humour ’ and Justin Simpson comments : ‘ If this fable was trustworthy we could scarcely do otherwise than believe that not only was Stamford in days past frequently honoured by the presence of English Kings and Queens , but also that His Satanic Majesty occasionally hunted in the neighbourhood . ’
17 Of course , it can be argued that the theoretical presumption of innocence in the West is frequently negated by the pressure , particularly in the lower courts , to ‘ plea bargain' , that is agree to plead guilty to a relatively minor charge and receive a relatively light sentence , rather than plead not guilty , endure a long wait for a trial ( possibly in custody ) and , if found guilty , receive a heavier sentence , although there always remains the chance of acquittal .
18 The practice has no proven agricultural benefit , although frequently justified by farmers , their Unions and the Agriculture Departments alike in spite of the evidence to the contrary .
19 In the years before the oil crisis dismissals were frequently justified by arguing that individuals did not merit tenure because they lacked commitment or because of their poor educational qualifications .
20 You can see the parallel in real life to these experiments for those children who are frequently punished for no good reason .
21 This summed up the view of many : in previous decades intellectuals were frequently punished for being politically ‘ reactionary ’ , i.e. rightists .
22 It may be that children can be happy and well behaved but also abscond and be frequently punished , but I would need to resolve this apparent contradiction .
23 Old Mr Earnshaw was strangely fond of this gipsy child , and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff .
24 Such reading is frequently dismissed as ‘ escapist ’ , the term having pejorative associations with ‘ cheap ’ , dismissible , trivial , and time-wasting .
25 These accusations are frequently dismissed as excuses for inadequate effort on the part of overseas companies , but even a Prime Ministerial Advisory Body called in 1986 for ‘ a stricter watch on unfair trade practices in distribution ’ ( FTW 26/4/86 ) .
26 There are occasional arrivals of odd specimens of Fairy Basslets which are not easily identified , and some , as in the case of Pseudanthias pulcherimus from the western Indian Ocean have male and female forms different enough to cause them to be frequently treated as separate species .
27 There , if they maintained their resistance , they were frequently treated with great brutality and , in a few cases , threatened with posting to the front , where they could be summarily shot .
28 Middle-ear infections are frequently treated with antibiotics and this may be the reason for the increase in non-infected glue ear ( Smyth 1984 ) .
29 While one can point to broad influences upon the formation of individual and group goals , in pluralist studies goals are more frequently treated as problematic — they can not be determined on a priori grounds through examining objective circumstances .
30 Although neither theory claims to be such , both the Prague School 's and Jakobson 's are frequently treated nowadays as part of the subject of ‘ stylistics ’ .
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