Example sentences of "kept under " in BNC.

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1 The Commission kept under review the human rights situation in Afghanistan , Romania , El Salvador and Iran but sent a clear signal that it may terminate special scrutiny of the latter two countries at its next session .
2 All are kept under constant review to ensure that Service personnel ( and the taxpayer ) get the best value for money .
3 Digby was kept under considerable pressure and at times was found wanting as Bolton , fed by full-backs determined to work their way forward , put everything into attack .
4 The second report by a banking inspector has also been kept under wraps .
5 Last night , Gen Noriega 's armed militia were still setting up roadblocks in the city 's main financial district , while the new civilian government , headed by Mr Guillermo Endara , was kept under guard by the US military , which said it was too risky for it to appear in public .
6 Once cut , however , they should be treated as any other cold meat and kept under refrigeration , usually with the cut end covered — do not buy from a cut salame which is not refrigerated .
7 All these products should be kept under refrigeration unless , like some members of the Frankfurter family , they are preserved in a jar or can .
8 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
9 these proposals we regard as doing no more than initiating a programme of family welfare which will have to be kept under continuous review and modified and expanded in the light of experience and deeper knowledge .
10 ‘ Her social position has rendered woman keenly percipient of every thought and action beautiful or graceful , … taught from infancy to subjugate her passions and affections , her thoughts , her looks , her language kept under control …
11 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
12 First you must fill the tank — a relatively idiot-proof exercise , though you must remember to unscrew it carefully and slowly when replenishing it , since the steam is kept under considerable pressure .
13 At least 132 children were kept under Pindown .
14 The acid tank farm is completely enclosed and the building is kept under negative pressure so that fumes can not escape into the atmosphere .
15 The democrat looks to a parliament to ensure that the executive is kept under scrutiny and prevented from abusing its powers .
16 All this has to be kept under wraps , Newman .
17 To achieve this , samples are kept under conditions designed to accelerate any changes occurring at ‘ normal ’ conditions .
18 To illustrate the dangers of this measure , suppose that the Government took the view that membership of the Communist Party presented a threat to national security and that leading members of the party — including those holding positions in trade unions — were to be kept under surveillance .
19 Finally , it is clear that centralized planning such as this must be kept under constant review , if it is to respond to changed needs and resources .
20 With the establishment of strong dynasties , civil wars and baronial insurrections were quelled or kept under control .
21 Therefore it has been seen as right that they should be kept under male control .
22 He is kept under a wholesome course of discipline by Lavinia and her august mamma .
23 As well as isolating the person suffering from the disease it is , of course , important to locate people who have been in contact with the sufferer and , if necessary , they too must be isolated , treated or kept under surveillance .
24 ‘ But the 1861 to 1865 papers are kept under lock and key , ’ warned the owner , inferring that those that I freely but reverently leafed through might have to have similar protection one day .
25 Paton shared Smith 's belief that young people should be kept under the influence of the Church and that they required discipline and order .
26 1981 , just ten days after he ended his hunger strike , despite a coronary infarct , Sakharov was evicted from the hospital and returned to his Gagarin Street apartment which is kept under surveillance and frequently searched .
27 He 's got a potty old uncle living with him , who 's generally kept under lock and key .
28 The place where the criminally insane were kept under lock and key .
29 They were discussing all the subjects usually kept under the pillow .
30 All the parasitic insects which may attack the vine in Champagne , with the exception of phylloxera , can be kept under control with numerous proprietary brands of insecticide , if treated early enough .
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