Example sentences of "to develop a " in BNC.

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1 ACET is currently working with the Health Authority to develop a service level agreement for 1991/92 .
2 resulted in the controllers making … a puritan attack directed at the drug taking of the ( underground ) movement ; and since the drug-scene is complex and confused , and we have little time in which to develop a reliable folk-lore about drugs and how to take them ( as we have long ago done about alcohol ) , they have been particularly successful in fostering anxiety among teachers , parents and establishment figures .
3 The programme of many modern philosophers , therefore , has been to develop a conception of man and his mind which either disposes of or downgrades the inner , private arena , making the function of mind essentially a part of the public and physical world .
4 But this historical reason is not the only one , for , if the project is to develop a materialist theory of the mind in general , thought requires a materialist analysis as much as perception .
5 In the mid 1970s there was an abortive attempt to develop a new way of managing the industry in the Territories Plan ( which would have given a structure very similar to that developed in Germany in much earlier years and still in use both on DB and DR ) , but this failed largely on account of union opposition .
6 Considering the success of Flexible Friends , its a bit strange that Wild Country say they need to develop a twin wire camming device .
7 In Britain , GM has used Lotus to develop a new engine for its Corvette sports car .
8 Professor Budd 's remarks echo a widespread belief in the City that the Government needs to develop a credible monetary strategy .
9 In order to develop a coherent transport strategy to meet the challenge of increased demand in the 1990s the Government should either invest itself or encourage the private sector to do so .
10 TESSA FANTONI , wife of cartoonist Barry , trained as a bookbinder and used her knowledge of paper to develop a collection of beautiful albums and books covered with marbled and original 1930s and 1940s printed papers .
11 The intention is for the policeman concerned to develop a local knowledge of his area , to show a presence and develop friendly and informal contact with members of the public , although one was adamant that his role remained primarily one of crime detection rather than prevention , this being the responsibility of community relations .
12 Community relations and neighbourhood policing reverses the process of depersonalization , and with regard to the police this encourages them to develop a more subtle set of typifications which categorize the majority of residents in West Belfast as decent , honest , and , at root , friendly .
13 A third effect which could be added is that business experience would be gained by the local merchant , and thus the society begins to develop a pool of people with such business experience .
14 Identifying customer needs can enable a company to develop a product and marketing mix that give the company a competitive advantage over its rivals .
15 This meant , he argued , that in the 1960s the members of the EEC were able to develop a large and sophisticated market with much technical innovation as a result , while Britain continued to trade in its traditional markets , still partly obsessed with its Commonwealth relationships .
16 You are going to need to develop a following if you want to move on and play bigger and better venues .
17 If you have worked hard to develop a solid gigging career and no one is offering you a deal , the time may have come to approach record companies directly .
18 Yet he insists that if the arts are a necessary element in culture and if culture is essential to develop a people 's highest spiritual capacities , then it must not be forgotten that without religion no culture can exist .
19 This meant that Marx had to develop a theory which recognized the intellectual nature of man , but which — and in this he was different from Hegel and Kant , who did not believe that there could ultimately be a material origin to ideas — could account for the peculiar history of mankind and for the growth of ideas and their power in natural terms .
20 ‘ With our lengthy product cycle , there was no solution but to develop a very special coupe for Bentley and for Bentley alone , ’ Ward says .
21 Abel managed to make £730 , which helped to develop a sports shop beside the Oval , though this later failed and he was rescued from penury by a public appeal launched by the Daily Mail after the First World War .
22 The developments of artificial light and packaged food have enabled us to develop a certain independence from the natural environment .
23 There was no question of Lewis abandoning the Moores , but the body does not always believe the evidence of its senses ; and from this time onwards Minto ( as Lewis had begun to call Janie , after a variety of sweet to which she was devoted ) began to develop a series of psychosomatic conditions which strengthened the ties binding him to her side .
24 A Forte spokeswoman said : ‘ We continue to develop a close partnership with BA .
25 The company plans to develop a chain of 15 to 20 two- and three-star hotels in Scotland and Northern England over the next five years .
26 This aesthetic refusal went along with an unwillingness to develop a strategy for ensuring a continued capacity to make their sort of films .
27 Medical research company Medirace , which is trying to develop a drug to treat cancer and Aids , is more than tripling its size through an £87million takeover .
28 The only way to develop a prototype is for the analyst to get inside the head of the user and , thinking like a user , decide what sort of system is required .
29 To develop a recovery method , Morgan , Saunders and Pickup used a Gem called Pseudomonas putida mt-2 , a modified common soil bacterium which may have wide applications for destroying toxic substances .
30 The Labour Party will need to develop a plausible vision for the future of the NHS if it is to be seen as a credible alternative to the present government .
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