Example sentences of "suggested he " in BNC.

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1 In some early drafts Raskolnikov commits suicide , and the striking thing here is that it 's never suggested he does so out of remorse or because he thinks he 's going to get caught or even from some vaguer , larger self-loathing .
2 It seems that he was content to stay as a house guest of Sir John Popham for quite a while , though it has been suggested he was thrown into a debtor 's prison shortly after the event .
3 Nicholson was in awe of Minnelli ; this was , after all , his first experience of a mainstream director of Minnelli 's vintage , and he began to worry after the first day when it was suggested he might get his hair cut .
4 Broussonet had also suggested he should put forward proposals for the creation of a veterinary school in England , an idea possibly prompted by the visit to the Alfort school of Arthur Young a few days earlier .
5 The monastic chronicler in later Wessex who wrote up the entry classifying the invasion seems to have got his dates wrong ; recent scholars have suggested he might have been a quarter of a century too late .
6 Apart from saying he had given up singing and trumpet-playing , he invented things , such as that his school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year contest .
7 They had been out walking in the garden when Hal had suggested he go with him and see Ben 's room .
8 His parting remarks last night had suggested he did not believe anything they had told him .
9 If someone had suggested he should have killed them then , where they lay , and avert all the trouble that was to come , Dulé would have been astonished that such a cowardly procedure could be proposed , let alone seriously entertained .
10 I 've suggested he lives here .
11 On hearing that Mills was headed for the Middle East , Suit had suggested he should look Coleman up in Cyprus because he was doing some research there and had a lot of good contacts .
12 No wonder Luke had suggested he come to her room earlier , rather than she go to his .
13 Surely Dysart had never suggested he might do such a thing ?
14 He was in a filthy mood , first because I 'd suggested he sleep on my floor instead of at Sorrel 's so we could get an early start , then because I 'd made him wear a suit and tie to go with our Yuppie cover ( and because I 'd insisted on the shirt as well ) .
15 He had n't been thinking anything of the sort and last night he had only suggested he could settle her business for her with a phone call to the manager , whom he knew well , because he wanted to take her out today instead of waiting outside hotels for her .
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