Example sentences of "happen to " in BNC.

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1 You are , or pretend to be , indifferent to whatever may happen to your reputation .
2 On board the steamer the two of them were talking about what would happen to the title if Lord Woodleigh was to die before they had any children , and Lord Woodleigh said — Sven Hjerson 's ears heard it — although now you get the estate .
3 She was after everything in trousers , young or old , she 'd have had Mr Pepper in the end , you mark my words , and then what 'd happen to the Company ?
4 It 's just , you 're my idea of someone who this sort of thing would never happen to .
5 will it happen to me ?
6 American travellers became stranded in Europe and turned into expatriates or exiles in Henry James 's novels , shadowy amalgamation of foreign manners with shreds of familiar accents that were up to the narrator to decipher , but it could n't happen to her , not in 1928 , even with a crash .
7 But what will happen to the quality of the product ?
8 Right or wrong , the incident showed that people cared about what would happen to the Louvre .
9 ‘ Internally she has to say , ‘ It wo n't happen to me ’ or , ‘ It 's part of the job . ’
10 And what , he asks , will happen to the child who does not , bureaucratically speaking , have special educational needs but who never manages to get past Level 2 in any given attainment target ?
11 He said yesterday : ‘ I 'm sure I had been making inquiries ( in 1945 ) about what would happen to people who we sent back .
12 Mr Rampton suggested if Lord Aldington had not known what would happen to the Yugoslavs , he was the only person in his corps who did not .
13 ‘ America is doing very well , there is a lot of liquidity in the market — and what might happen to the market if Hoylake succeeds in its bid for BAT ? ’ asks Mr Tora .
14 ‘ I could n't bear to think of the future , of what would happen to her when we got old , if we got ill , when we died , or worse — whether she would only live a few years , ’ she says .
15 What would happen to US monetary policy guided by a Treasury Secretary like Donald Regan , who proclaimed that ‘ deficits do not matter ’ ?
16 How could it possibly happen to him ?
17 I remember thinking , well this ca n't happen to me .
18 Mrs Thatcher was determined that this would not happen to her .
19 Ensure that you are the one to decide what will happen to everything you own .
20 Politically , therefore , the inducements to continue what the Plowden Committee call ‘ excessive social services ’ are much stronger than the inducements to discontinue them or to supplement any which may happen to be ‘ inadequate ’ .
21 What would happen to us all if everyone were to behave like you ?
22 What would happen to these two women who had done nothing to deserve her evil body and heart between them , what would happen to them when she was dead ?
23 What would happen to these two women who had done nothing to deserve her evil body and heart between them , what would happen to them when she was dead ?
24 There was then the decision about what should happen to the foods division .
25 This has happened to me today , it will happen to you tomorrow .
26 This does n't happen to mineral waters .
27 In it , he imagines what would happen to London if it became so choked with cars that no-one could move .
28 The brochure continues : ‘ A lot of things will happen to you during your time with the Volunteers .
29 What would happen to him if he were sent packing ?
30 ‘ What will happen to his small world when it all stops ? ’ she asks .
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