Example sentences of "widely [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Taken together these two indices yield much information about the abundance or scarcity of each bird , how widely or evenly it is distributed , and how numbers of any species compare with others , perhaps particularly with its near relations .
2 … the provision of Spanish law in issue … was of a general character capable of being construed either widely or narrowly .
3 It is also clear from the notebooks that Marx had read much more widely than that .
4 He travelled widely in the early 1970s , probably more widely than any other world leader .
5 The judgement could be applied more widely than its immediate target .
6 De Gaulle 's suspicion of political parties was explicitly anti-parliamentarian : ‘ it is from the head of state , placed above parties and elected more widely than just by Parliament that executive power must proceed ’ .
7 Benefits were distributed socially and spatially less widely than anticipated .
8 Such images were reworkings of arguments already used about Toxteth in 1981 and Brixton in 1981 , but they were used more widely than in 1980–1 .
9 But Thalberg went on to play much more widely than Liszt , even visiting North and South America ( which Liszt never did ) ; and Liszt kept some of Thalberg 's operatic paraphrases in his repertoire .
10 We are no longer surprised by it ; it is taking place all the time , and more rapidly and widely than ever before .
11 State visits had become easier in the age of the railway ; photography , cheap prints and ceramics diffused the human images of rulers more widely than ever before .
12 Urwin and New and David revalue the absent , ‘ bad ’ mother-subject positively , and ascribe the potential for ‘ good mothering ’ more widely than usual , as a capacity of carers other than the mother .
13 Monopoly evening papers often competed with a morning paper from elsewhere ( such as the Bradford Telegraph and Argus with the Yorkshire Post from Leeds ) , for morning papers circulated far more widely than the evenings .
14 As a matter of fact , there was another sentiment which had begun to spread rather more widely than ‘ He got what he deserved ’ or ‘ I 'd do it with my own hands , if they 'd let me . ’
15 The Evangelical movement , despite its minority status , cast its influence far more widely than the actual numbers of its adherents might suggest ; it is of especial interest to students of child rearing attitudes , in that its followers were so prolific in their writings that their beliefs ( or watered-down versions of their beliefs ) dominated both the advisory literature available to parents and the children 's own reading matter for upwards of two centuries .
16 Prosperity is now spread more widely than ever before .
17 A Britain which saw a resurgence of enterprise , sharing greater wealth more widely than ever before .
18 It was true , of course , that property was dispersed much more widely than in Europe .
19 Subsequent popes would exercise their right to provide far more often and much more widely than John did , but never again would a king of England be quite so impotent in the choice of his bishops .
20 The issue should be considered more widely than that , though Ash croft and Love ( 1988 ) showed that acquisition of Scottish firms tended on average to increase sales and have no effect on overall employment .
21 " British imperialism had spread and is spreading democracy more widely than any other system of government since the beginning of time .
22 Theoretical justifications of such a balance were frequent ; and by the middle decades of the century it was being discussed more widely than ever before .
23 Maturities range more widely than those of sterling inter-bank loans , from overnight to one year and occasionally more .
24 We should be using e-mail for internal communications much more widely than we do at present , in order to reduce the amount of paper we currently distribute , and to send specific messages to individuals and groups .
25 Despite assurances from US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney that only the Okinawa and German weapons would be destroyed at Johnston , the fear persisted in many Pacific countries that the USA would abandon plans to build incinerators on the American mainland and would use the Johnston facility much more widely than had been hitherto suggested .
26 " Artificer " was then used more widely than in its later application to the royal dockyards and the Navy .
27 A cost of living index based more widely than on wheat , gives the estimates in Table 7.4 .
28 But if wheat prices fluctuate more widely than house prices , an investor who had no particular interest in either wheat or houses would not be indifferent between them .
29 Now you know , wi with lots of experts in this field and so we 're we only simply put that forward as a , a general suggestion whether it should be one-third from them and two- thirds from the pension funds , you know , I do n't think is a matter of great importance to us , but we do think that the should perhaps be a bit spread , spread a bit more widely than just into the pension funds .
30 Words such as peto contentus sis seem to have been used so widely that they soon raised no doubts or difficulties of interpretation .
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