Example sentences of "cut [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Had to break out so I kicked a hole in it , you see , but I 've cut my feet … ’
2 I would have cut my throat rather than grow up to be like my Mam .
3 ‘ I 've cut my boss out like a cancer but I ca n't drive past where I used to work , ’ she says .
4 My first memory is of falling off a rather high bed at the age of three years on the evening that my parents had moved into a house near the top of Hampstead Heath , and of my Father going off on his bicycle to search for a doctor as I had cut my head .
5 I am sorry my reply is so brief , but having just cut my thumb I am unable to continue writing .
6 I had cut my hand on the gun : it was n't bleeding much but the little finger was bent sideways and I could n't move it .
7 If I had lied , I 'm sure they would have cut my throat .
8 That did the trick — ‘ Of course , ’ recalls the director , ‘ I did n't show him that I had cut my hand in the process . ’
9 I 've cut my social life .
10 I 've cut my mike again .
11 The Retirement Care Group , a company which specialises in managing retirement schemes , estimates that more than 4,000 sheltered properties are on the market and that builders have cut their original forecast of 12,000 units built this year back to about 8,000 as a result .
12 This average conceals an important fact : many of the industries that tend to suffer most during recessions ( suppliers of consumer durables , transport and communications , for example ) have actually cut their debt-service burden since 1980 ; the biggest increases in debt service have been taken on by relatively stable industries ( such as producers of services and consumer non-durables ) .
13 Brokers have cut their expectations for the full year from £30m to £28m , suggesting earnings of just under 15p .
14 Each zany episode is hermetically sealed , like an extract from one of the late-night TV revues on which both Martin and Hawn have cut their teeth .
15 A BRC spokeswoman said : ‘ Retailers have already cut their costs as much as they can .
16 Most analysts have now cut their first quarter forecast , and the views now range from a loss of 64 cents a share to a profit of eight cents — and David Wu of S G Warburg has gone out on a limb with forecast $0.80 a share loss .
17 While London-based IBCA has held firm to an average AA for the three , S&P and Moody 's have cut their grades to A. At the end of 1992 all three agencies rated them similarly .
18 Apple Computer Inc , IBM Corp and DEC have cut their prices 40% in Japan , making things highly uncomfortable for microcomputer leader NEC .
19 Public authorities have , however , minimal expertise in this area , though they have ‘ cut their teeth ’ by developing ‘ specifications for contracts ’ for-non-care services such as cleaning and catering .
20 Kandel , trained as a psychiatrist , spent a period working on Aplysia with Ladislav Tauc in Paris in the 1960s , saw the potential of the organism , initially for the study of short-term processes such as habituation , and over the subsequent quarter-century in New York he has made its study peculiarly his own and that of the generations of researchers who have cut their teeth in this Columbia laboratory .
21 On the boat , Johnson asked about ‘ the use of the dirk , with which he imagined the Highlanders cut their meat ’ , and was told they also had knives and forks , that the men tended to hand the knives and forks to the women after they had cut their own meat which they then ate from their hands , and that one old Macdonald retainer always ate fish with his fingers , claiming that ‘ a knife and fork gave it a bad taste ’ .
22 Many hon. Members on both sides of the House have cut their political teeth in local government and one would expect such Conservative Members to show more loyalty towards it .
23 William Hill , the other William , immediately cut their price on Wills being crowned by January the first in the year two thousand from twenty five to one to ten to one .
24 right , well the E E C have cut their grants of all school milk I think you 'll find certainly on that being discovered I would imagine that it 's similar to the County Council .
25 Some had cut their hair and nails as mementos to return to their families .
26 While improving the quality of their service to passengers , they 've cut their staff by thirty percent .
27 The Gunners are now 12 points ahead of struggling Leeds and after six league wins in a row it is little wonder the bookmakers have again cut their odds as title favourites to just 5-4 .
28 Yes , it is a fact , but what airlines have been forced to do now is cut their costs , reshape , look at where they were losing money , and perhaps that 's a positive thing .
29 She swam for 40 km ( 25 miles ) in the shark-infested Indian Ocean , but she had cut her foot and she saw half a dozen sharks trailing her .
30 Having cut her teeth touring with a socialist theatre collective , her formal training has been by a battery of French mime gurus .
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