Example sentences of "become [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Were the technicians indifferent to what they were recording or did they sometimes become aroused too , and if so , were there rules against them joining in ?
2 Only once or twice did he ever become aroused enough for them to make love .
3 The fat bodied pens are comfortable to hold and the hand does not become fatigued by prolonged use of them .
4 Soon Berlin will become overpopulated by images , like New York and Paris , and its images will have lost their powers , save those of reflecting and recalling one another . "
5 But sometimes the sciatic nerve can become irritated by a lack of blood supply .
6 The danger is that the respondent may become irritated by rigid categories constraining freedom of reply .
7 This is because the recognition of sign language as the natural language of deaf people would mean that they would become aligned with members of other cultural minorities who are isolated from special needs legislation because their ‘ home language ’ is different from that which is the language of instruction used in schools ( Section 1(2) , Education Act 1981 ) .
8 They saw nationalism as a bourgeois movement , but also as a danger to the working-class movement , which might become tainted by nationalist tendencies .
9 Under certain conditions the blow out may not become stabilised , so that the mass of sand migrates slowly in the direction of the resultant of onshore winds with trailing arms of partly vegetated sand on either side of the original blow out .
10 When degrees of control are introduced then the situation does become manipulated by the observer .
11 If not , the persons ‘ knowingly concerned ’ would have to pay and , on payment , would become subrogated to the primary claim against the contravener .
12 The search for spirituality can become diverted also into cults or fascination with the occult , and if it avoids these dangers it can become simply another form of aesthetic experience and move away from the major religious traditions , so that the arts become a kind of substitute for religion .
13 Pupils can become fascinated by mathematical contradictions and absurdities and are motivated by mathematical activity itself .
14 But tell the child not to go near it and it will become fascinated by it .
15 Groundwater may become contaminated without our knowledge .
16 The practice is dubious anyway as larger containers of detergent can become contaminated by certain bacteria , often pseudomonads , and act as reservoirs of infection or spoilage .
17 Highly-perfumed products such as soap should not be next to foodstuffs which may become contaminated .
18 In Third World countries you can have problems with water supply when women have to carry it long distances , and even in the rainy season , wells can become contaminated . ’
19 The original may become contaminated with a computer " virus " .
20 Now another general point which I dare n't put on the slide is that during this , the next sort of hour or so , or two hours , erm , some of you will almost certainly become insulted with the way that I talk to you .
21 Imperial preachers were haranguing the coastal populace to destroy … people like Jaq himself , people who would become polluted through no real fault of their own , in many cases .
22 Often local wells would become polluted from sewage tanks , leading to outbreaks , and sometimes as happened in Upper Halling , homes were evacuated and wells sealed off .
23 Instead , a culture will become enslaved by the machines .
24 She had to stand up to him ; shout out that she would n't let herself become embroiled in his sordid games …
25 As a committed Labour Party member I can not condone nor understand why , with the country suffering from Tory fatigue , the Labour Party does not thrust home its policies rather than become embroiled in this negative smear and counter-smear campaign .
26 Consequently , a semantic theory can become plagued by a proliferation of hypothetical senses and internal contradictions in ways we shall spell out below .
27 After it he 'd become withdrawn and moody , his formerly friendly nature turning acerbic and harsh .
28 If you desire more love in your life , throw a tiny heart into the chalice — and see the chalice become filled with tiny hearts , which pour out over the crystal column .
29 The procuticle is usually pierced by very numerous pore-canals which run perpendicularly to its surface and are initially occupied by cytoplasmic filaments from the epidermis , though they may later become filled with cuticular material .
30 A second property of sediments which is of economic importance is the porosity , the spaces between the solids , which may become filled with water or other fluids such as oil and gas .
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