Example sentences of "associated with " in BNC.

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1 The stigma still associated with AIDS means that often those who have the disease are isolated .
2 Some 50 others associated with the former government were also detained .
3 In Paris art critics are often directly associated with particular galleries , and exhibition reviews may be negotiated for a fee between a magazine or a newspaper and the artist 's representative .
4 Which leads to the usual problems associated with casting and auditioning .
5 They are often associated with the rebuilding of former houses , like the Freemason 's Arms , Downshire Hill , in Hampstead .
6 Although it is associated with Italy , similar peasant foods are found in many parts of the world — from noodles in China to pierogi , the ravioli-like dish , from Poland .
7 Some of the new apples solve other problems associated with traditional varieties .
8 Since we live at 1g for virtually all of our lives , the feeling of even slightly reduced ‘ g ’ is unusual and , for many people , alarming ( it can be associated with nightmare dreams of falling ) .
9 This is not the whole story about accidents associated with low ‘ g ’ sensations .
10 Other types of skin cancer are associated with continued exposure to the sun over a long period .
11 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
12 Tracing this back to the seventeenth century , he points out that in such times , it is ‘ always those crimes that are associated with the materially disadvantaged underclass which have provided the continuing thread within this history of respectable fears …
13 Our hair became longer and — in police terms — almost verged on the wild , confirming Hallpike , ( 1969 : 260 ) , who argued : ‘ the hypothesis I wish to advance in this article [ is ] that long hair is associated with being outside society and that the cutting of hair symbolizes re-entering society , or living under a particularly disciplinary regime within society … .
14 The emphasis on the mentality and immateriality of sense experience was associated with the denial that there was anything special about intellect .
15 One can then choose to say either that it constitutes the difference by virtue of having a particular internal ‘ feel ’ associated with it , or that it is itself the difference , simpliciter .
16 Subtracting these 200 msec from the 550 msec by which the RP preceded the movement , Libet concluded that the neural activity associated with an apparently voluntary act began some 350 msec before the first moment at which the subject was aware of his intention to act .
17 This enhancement is thought to be associated with the extraction of additional information about the stimuli in the attended ear .
18 So the P300 is thought to be associated with the completion of stimulus identification and classification in preparation for a cognitive or motor response .
19 And the finding that it takes 400 msec to generate the electrical activity associated with the meaning of visually presented words suggests that this is one of the most complex activities our perceptual systems are asked to perform .
20 Let me emphasize here that functionalists are happy to accept that many of our mental states are associated with conscious awareness .
21 Such views are very different from those that would be associated with behaviourism or epiphenomenalism , neither of which allows mental states any causal role in the production of behaviour .
22 Each grapheme is then translated into a corresponding phonemic representation on the basis of pre-established conversion rules ( each grapheme would become associated with a particular phoneme as one 's reading skills develop ) .
23 For instance , when subjects have to decide whether certain names are familiar or not ( say , Oliver Hardy ) they respond more quickly if they are shown , a few tenths of seconds earlier , a picture of a person who is associated with the target name ( Stan Laurel ) .
24 Changes in electrical activity of the brain are associated with changes in the level and content of consciousness : you can tell whether someone is asleep or awake by looking at his electro-encephalogram .
25 I am delighted to be associated with such a far-reaching project that will act as a clearing house for many people 's activities across the world through a service dedicated to the needs of an unrestricted membership .
26 Coca-Cola has been associated with the Davis Cup since 1982 , and with the Federation Cup and World Youth Cup since the mid-1980s .
27 The fast twitch fibres have a much higher contraction speed and are associated with dynamic bursts of energy .
28 Broad shoulders are always associated with strength and are very impressive .
29 A voluntary group which is a company may be regarded as ‘ influenced ’ by the local authority where both 20% or more of its voting members or board of directors are associated with the local authority and 50% or more of its business .
30 Of days one was proud to be associated with railways and too many ( still only a sprinkling but so devastatingly disrupting ) that one swore always to take the car next time .
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