Example sentences of "reported [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is reported that on 22 March Nijazi Beqa and five other political prisoners there went on a hungers-strike against their conditions .
2 In 1988 the Mintel study The On Trade Revolution optimistically reported that , ‘ far from disappearing , traditional pubs are being lovingly restored in most cases .
3 As early as 1957 , Michel Jouvet in Lyons had reported that the size of the ERP generated by a visual stimulus from the occipital cortex at the back of the brain , a primarily visual area , decreased when the subject was asked to attend to an auditory stimulus .
4 However , the Peking Youth News has reported that ‘ many people ’ are worried about the high incidence of wrongful arrest and torture by martial law forces and police .
5 The Association of Art Museum Directors recently reported that the value of art donations had declined by 63 per cent between 1986 and 1988 .
6 In the same issue , it is reported that Sir Anthony Hidden 's investigation into the Clapham Junction rail crash criticises British Rail for not preventing ‘ commercial considerations of a business-led railway from compromising safety , ’ and asserts that excessive overtime should be ended , and that there should be curbs on overcrowding in trains .
7 Alas , Liberation 's headline yesterday was ‘ L'eternelle solitude de la Dame de Fer ’ , while the local paper , which is called DNA ( Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace , silly ) inexplicably reported that she was ‘ plus anti-communautaire que jamais ’ .
8 It had been reported that Smith was to send a written offer to Celtic for Aitken , and although Smith would not specify the amount it became common knowledge that it was for around £300,000 .
9 LaBudde also reported that the two drift-net vessel skippers to whom he had spoken in the North Pacific both admitted to periodically cutting loose large sections of net in which whales had become entangled .
10 It was reported that the first four days of the war had cost Britain £100m in ammunition and lost equipment .
11 It was even reported that Humphrey Atkins was the only Cabinet member not to speak .
12 It was reported that BB was the basis of forty-seven per cent of French conversation — how this was computed is not easy to see but people said such things .
13 It has been reported that isolation-reared laboratory animals show abnormal behaviour towards painful sensory stimulation , such as a burning match or pin-prick .
14 It was reported that she disturbed the prowler when she arrived back unexpectedly at her family 's Melbourne home .
15 By 1900 it was reported that 500,000 households in England and Wales had been visited .
16 Some papers later reported that he had stopped for tea at the Ritz but this unlikely frivolity was angrily and officially denied .
17 ‘ It has been reported that the completion date has been deferred due to Chelsea appealing to the House of Lords .
18 Unsubstantiated reports say Mr Najibullah , 45 , has gone into hiding , but newspapers in Pakistan have reported that he has joined his wife and children , who flew to New Delhi two weeks ago .
19 Howard later reported that the Nez Perce had ‘ jammed their ponies through , up the rocks … and among the fallen trees , without attempting to cut a limb , leaving blood to mark their path ; and abandoned animals with broken legs … or stretched dead by the wayside . ’
20 In August 1989 it was reported that 13,600 people in Dumfries and Galloway had been supplied with water containing up to 1,000 times the EC limit for aluminium , starting in March 1989 .
21 On 15 December Leopold had reported that :
22 It was also reported that he had the audacity to join the Special Constables , but all pretence was blown asunder when he was noticed pawning stolen articles by a fellow officer .
23 It was reported that , while incarcerated at Reading 's morbid gaol , Woolridge once again affirmed his guilt , and formally stated that he accepted his terminal punishment as the logical outcome .
24 It is reported that , while out riding in Wychwood Forest , he suddenly came face to face with the shade of Amy Robsart .
25 Peter said he thought Lydia White ( Linguistics/McGill , Montreal ) had still not placed her book on universal grammar with a publisher although Tim Blakey has since reported that when he contacted her when he was there last week , she refused to see ‘ yet another publisher ’ .
26 It is well reported that Johnny Marr 's biggest regret is the filming of the BBC2 Sight And Sound gig .
27 Another dramatic instance of historical déjà vu came during the miners ' strike , when it was reported that an attack had been made on the police station in Malby , South Yorkshire , scene of an anti-police riot a century earlier when the ‘ new police ’ first arrived there .
28 From the north-east side of the island Captain Ferzenaar also reported that he could see no less than eleven other minor centres of activity , which were either emitting small columns of steam , or occasionally ejecting dust in small explosive bursts .
29 On the Gouveneur-Generaal Loudon , it was reported that at one time dust and water were falling together , as mud , and a thickness of fifteen centimetres accumulated in only ten minutes .
30 It was reported that Red Rhino had debts of more than £300,000 .
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