Example sentences of "involved be " in BNC.

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1 In the null output direction the signal changes are almost solely due to angular movement of the earth 's field and over the small range involved are linearly proportional to angle .
2 There might be regrets over giving up the novel , but after having been deeply interested in that form for many years ( even to the extent of writing one ) and often teaching courses on the novel , I have come to the conclusion that the pedagogic difficulties involved are extreme .
3 These stories are commonplace , although those involved are wary of going on record .
4 The sums involved are enormous : 70 per cent of the total growth in the nation 's wealth since 1979 has been due to the rise in value of the housing stock .
5 Those involved are asked to make sure they have a copy .
6 Those involved are asked to make sure they have a copy .
7 Many of the species involved are listed internationally as endangered .
8 But the skills involved are at least equalled by those lavished on some of the base metal objects , such as the iron sword with its complex design of pattern welding ( see p. 88 ) and the intricately cast and decorated escutcheons on the hanging bowls .
9 The amounts of fat-gain and fat-loss involved are usually too small to show .
10 As with viewing figures , the newsmen knew a juicy liaison , especially if those involved are trying to keep it a secret , does wonders for sales and circulation .
11 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
12 ‘ Boardroom struggles for power , wheeler-dealing in the buying and selling of shares and , indeed , of whole clubs sometimes suggest that those involved are more interested in the personal financial benefits or social status of being a director than of directing the club in the interests of its customers . ’
13 As we have seen earlier , when a child 's existing links to a birth parent or relative are severed on placement with a new family , the feelings involved are not eradicated but driven ‘ underground ’ .
14 The length of time they spent there and the types of homes involved are shown in Table 1 .
15 It has also prompted laboratory managers to volunteer to carry out unfamiliar analyses , where the techniques involved are not well established .
16 The species involved are characteristically tall perennial monocots which tend to form pure stands on the edge of water bodies .
17 The attitudes of adults to the mentally handicapped tend to be firmly entrenched , and because many of the issues involved are emotive , these attitudes are difficult to change .
18 Lest this account seem unduly cynical , it must be added that the individuals involved are subordinate to the functional constraints of their job .
19 The tasks involved are sometimes difficult , hard physical labour and at times dangerous .
20 Transfer of micro-organisms from a surface at this stage is unlikely to be harmful as the numbers involved are too low to cause immediate infection and there is no time for multiplication on food .
21 The sample list of books is equally important , for it disarms criticisms of the kind : ‘ The books involved are obsolete and the shelf space is needed for more modern colourful illustrated books ’ , or ‘ Things like this have always been going on ’ , or ‘ We only get rid of popular novels when the rush is over ’ .
22 For we must never lose sight of the fact that the issues involved are moral ones ; and that though doctors may be experts in medicine , they are no more competent or qualified to speak on moral issues than you or I.
23 Second , the magmas involved are much more viscous than those in Strombolian eruptions so that the explosive activity tends to be violent , often demolishing parts of the volcanic structure .
24 Evidence of just how viscous the lavas are , and how great the forces involved are , was provided by the great spine which was pushed up out of the vent of Mt Pelee , reaching over 300 metres in height .
25 The areas involved are very large and it will take the oil companies a great deal of time and money to cover them .
26 The costs involved are direct and substantial .
27 In keeping with the relevant component of the model , the factors involved are discussed under the following headings — physical , psychological , sociocultural , environmental and politicoeconomic factors .
28 Although many of the activities involved are carried out by individuals , and there is much scope for personal decision-making making and responsibility , the business of maintaining a safe environment is very much a political concern and responsibility — at local , regional , national and international levels .
29 The processes involved are complex , involving a variety of bacteria that can break down organic molecules such as proteins , lipids and polysaccharides ( cellulose and starch are included in the latter ) in the absence of oxygen .
30 Ongoing experiments in Wales corroborate these results , although with animals like moles , which have tough and durable skins , the periods involved are longer by over half .
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