Example sentences of "reported that " in BNC.

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1 Over 50 per cent of respondents also reported that participation in the research had enabled them to think more clearly about development in every dimension ; 75 per cent thought their awareness of health issues and 60 per cent their awareness of self-care and identity had definitely increased .
2 However it was reported that member countries considered oil and energy problems less urgent than in the past .
3 It has also been reported that frusemide inhibits glucose transport ( Jung & Mookerjee , 1976 ) .
4 A number of studies have reported that hypertriglyceridaemia and hypercholesterolaemia are common in diabetes mellitus .
5 Typical industries utilizing absorption as a method of odour control are metallurgical industries , plastic/production , waste incineration plants , animal by-product industries , and it is reported that absorption scrubber units have been fitted with a fair degree of success on plant processing meat for pet food manufacture and for the production of animal feedstuffs .
6 In 1844 it was reported that College graduates had gone to South Africa , South America , Egypt and Australia .
7 Centigram Communications Inc has reported that second quarter net profits rose 143.2% at $1.1m , on turnover that rose 34.4% at $14.4m ; mid-term net profit rose 332.5% to $2.1m , on turnover that rose 34% at $27.4m .
8 Dell Computer Corp has reported that fourth quarter net profits soared 102.9% at $31.3m on turnover that leaped 117.1% at $620.3m ; net profit for the year to was up 99.6% at $101.6m on turnover up 126.3% to $2,014m .
9 Micron Technology Inc has reported that second quarter net profits soared 518% at $9.0m on turnover that rose 37.6% at $176.4m ; mid-term net profits climbed 462% at $11.7m on turnover that rose 28.1% at $307.4m ; net earnings per share rose 450% to $0.22 in the quarter , 480% to 0.29 in the half .
10 Apple Computer Inc has reported that second quarter net profits fell 17.9% at $110.9m , on turnover that rose 15.0% at $1,973.9m ; at the mid-term , net profits fell 9.6% at $272.2m on turnover 11.0% ahead at $3,578.2m .
11 Compaq Computer Corp has reported that first quarter net profit soared 125.8% at $102.4m , on turnover more than doubled , up 105.7% at $1,611m ; net earnings per share leaped by 132% to $1.23 .
12 EMC Corp has reported that first quarter net profits soared 187% at $14.9m on turnover that rose 98.8% at $130.6m ; net per share rose 146% at $0.32 .
13 MCI Communications Corp has reported that first quarter net profits rose 7.1% at $151.0m after a $17m charge for the cost of early repayment of debt , on turnover that rose 11.8% to $2,810m ; net earnings per share were 10% ahead at $0.56 .
14 Psychiatrists were consulted for their expert diagnosis of the Teddy Boy condition , and from America it was reported that chlorpromazine — a heavy tranquilliser , and one of the new ‘ wonder drugs ’ entering into use in the mid-1950s for the control of excited schizophrenics — seemed to quieten Teddy Boys down .
15 Bailey and Harrison ( 1984 ) followed up the research of Cohen ( 1975 ) , which had reported that percentage cloze scores seemed to represent different levels of understanding according to the nature of the subject .
16 All four groups have generated public concern about lack of adequate support in the community , while research efforts have repeatedly reported that survival in the community appears to be associated with the existence of structured plans for after-care , frequency of contact with professionals and access to appropriate facilities ( Acres , 1975 ; Davis et al. , 1984 ; Thornicroft , 1989 ) .
17 If the Government 's record is so good , why has the CBI just reported that investment in manufacturing has fallen by 18.8 per cent .
18 Increasingly it was reported that gold was being reconverted into cash , which was then deposited in new saving accounts offering high rates of interest .
19 It was reported that trade between the two countries had increased from $770,000 in 1988 to $7,740,000 in the first quarter of 1989 .
20 On April 26 , 1990 , it was reported that agreement had been reached for the rescheduling of US$140,000,000 of debt falling due between December 1989 and May 1991 .
21 It was also reported that work was under way to clear Iraqi mines from the coastal waters around Kuwait , in preparation for the amphibious assault which was widely expected to accompany any allied ground offensive .
22 The Independent of Feb. 20 also reported that al-Nouri had estimated that 18 million people were threatened with epidemics of cholera and typhoid because of damage to water and sewage systems .
23 ( On June 27 it was reported that extradition proceedings were being prepared against Todorov . )
24 On Aug. 4 Kazakh radio had reported that trade between Kazakhstan and the Chinese autonomous district of Ili Kazak had totalled US$122 million in the first four months of 1992 .
25 reported that delivery of the computer was expected shortly and that the writing of the software programs was under way .
26 In addition , it was recently reported that endothelin can increase the fibrinolytic activity in vivo and in vitro .
27 Eliakim et al have reported that prednisolone and 5-aminosalycilate inhibit colonic platelet activating factor synthesis in vitro .
28 In this context , it has been reported that over-expression of EGF in gastric mucosa is , by itself , unlikely to cause transformation without the simultaneous overproduction of the EGF receptor .
29 It has been reported that serum cholesterol values are similar in samples from fasting and non-fasting subjects .
30 We have previously reported that measurement of choline is sufficient to exclude biliopancreatic reflux in the stomach when its amount is below 10 µmol/ hr .
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