Example sentences of "held she " in BNC.

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1 After the incident , the infant had been taken into care but a sheriff held she had not been the victim of an offence and dismissed a referral to a children 's hearing .
2 Lucy wound down the window of her car and held her face up .
3 And she knew how urgent and fervent their kisses had been , how close Lucy had been to abandoning whatever it was that held her back , made her withhold her beautiful body .
4 Jay held her .
5 Anyway , I just held her , and it felt like she 'd broken , could n't take any more , then she kissed me .
6 Edward knew he was being pampered and , in his letters to Helen about his friendship with Gwili 's sister , he confessed that ‘ in fact it was partly you that I saw when I held her : I hope I shall never forget her ; then I shall feel that it is possible to love another even though I am all and ever yours , little one .
7 She has bruising on her wrists from where she says he held her down . ’
8 Anne was jolted , but Jeane Russell held her up with a painful grip .
9 He held her there for two minutes , then paid off a further two degrees , again without adjusting the sails .
10 He put both arms round her and held her tight to his chest .
11 Her mother held her at arm 's length and examined her like a piece of merchandise , turning her this way and that , searching for concealed flaws .
12 He slipped a powerful arm round her and held her tight in to his side , where she purred , rubbing against him like a cat .
13 But two women leaped forward and held her , though she shrieked and struggled , till the nurse had disappeared into the castle .
14 Common sense told her to beat it while the going was good but loyalty held her , undecided .
15 He 'd picked up the baby and held her while Ma gave her the medicine , and his face had the same look as when Billy had fallen in the river .
16 For a moment , he held her more closely .
17 Was it because the man who held her in his arms was a confident and easy dancer ?
18 With staring , dilated eyes , Kelly looked up at the man who held her .
19 Annie missed the first , she had flu ; every time Annie felt an urge to phone Sheila something held her back — a kind of fearful pride .
20 Delaney took her by the arm , and held her tightly as she struggled .
21 He held her again , then he looked round .
22 I kissed her and held her and tried to get out of the house without saying goodbye to anyone .
23 All she later remembered was the strength of his hands on her shoulders as he forced her back against the bark of an apple tree and held her there , imprisoned .
24 The nose-wheel is normally lifted at seventy knots to rotate at ninety , but because of the wind I held her down to 95 for a clean lift-off at a hundred after a run of a thousand yards or so .
25 The erotic image held her .
26 He finished dressing , then came and held her by the shoulders , kissing her lightly on the mouth .
27 It would have been impossible for Liza not to realise her growing power over the opposite sex , nor fail to notice the kind of dumb adoration in which Corporal Carrow held her .
28 Before he fell asleep he held her in his arms and said , ‘ Ye do n't know what it means to me , coming home again .
29 She reached up to kiss him , and as he held her to him he was aware of her slender nakedness beneath the ivory silk robe .
30 He held her at arm 's length .
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