Example sentences of "arms hold " in BNC.

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1 But my arms round you , your arms holding me , and the shivering stops and welds us still and close and still closer .
2 Stand upright , with your arms holding the dumb-bells by your sides and your palms facing inwards .
3 I thought the great central arch of two tree trunks looked like our Blessed Lord 's arms holding up the whole Church .
4 Standing in the pub doorway out of the wind striking her third match , the goddess of beer depicted in glowing-coloured tiles on either side of her , massive arms holding up sheaves of grain .
5 I turned away , I remember , so that Enid should not see my face , and thought of his arms holding me , and his hands in my hair and his mouth … oh , such a melting , a melting in my stomach .
6 Polly swallowed , her mouth suddenly dry at the thought of those bronzed and powerful arms holding her close against his lean , hard-muscled body as , with a warning glare , he kept those who would come between them at bay .
7 For a second or two she felt the protection of a man 's arms holding her securely and then she had crashed on top of him and was lying spread-eagled on a rock-hard body , deceptively concealed beneath soft fabric .
8 He was in jeans and a white shirt open at the neck , the sleeves rolled up over powerful brown arms , and Jenna experienced an unexpected shiver as she remembered those arms holding her yesterday .
9 She leant lower over the bed , to give her words extra emphasis , but Ace took immediate and unfair advantage of her low centre of gravity , and pulled her down on to him , his two arms holding her firmly pressed against his full length .
10 Or was it ? she wondered , her memory reaching out to the feel of Silas 's arms holding her against him , and to his lips resting upon her own .
11 One of the arms holding it was getting tired .
12 Surely any minute she would wake up and find Marc lying beside her , his arms holding her in the loving way of barely twelve hours ago ?
13 Only his strong arms holding her tight against him saved her from falling , her bones turning to liquid within her as his lips nuzzled relentlessly towards her ear .
14 How happy she would be now , if she could turn her head and see him there , and reach out her arms to hold on to him and pull him close .
15 Johnny was stroking her back , and as she moved slightly , he slid his hands round under her arms to hold her breasts .
16 It deadened his days and brought him upright in the night , running with sweat and fear , his arms held out clutching the gun with which he had just shot his mother .
17 A woman was driving , her straight , dark hair streaming like a banner , her skirt hiked up over lean thighs , her arms held straight from shoulder to wheel .
18 When they saw Frick , whom they had been told to expect , the Sturmabteilungen snapped to attention , their arms held out in the traditional Nazi salute .
19 All faces turned to Lucenzo , who stood on a chair , his arms held out in a command for silence .
20 Her arms held out to her sides , she stared at her wet and muddy palms .
21 His arms held her tightly but Maggie felt the cold wave of reality and shivered .
22 His arms held her closely , guiding her to the rhythm of the music .
23 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
24 His arms held her tightly to him as if never wanting to let go .
25 His arms held , though now she had wedged her hands in between her breasts and the hard wall of his chest and was pushing away from him with all her might .
26 Only his grip on her arms held her upright .
27 It contains tens of thousands of blazons of arms held ( or recorded as held ) by English families , listed alphabetically by name .
28 For this , he was completely undressed — which makes his body itch to the point of agony — and placed in a UV cabinet , his arms held above his head to stop him scratching .
29 She sat bent over with her arms held under her womb , supporting the weight of it a little .
30 I can still picture him standing in the centre circle wth both arms held above his head with a grin from East stand to west stand !
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