Example sentences of "season begin " in BNC.

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1 It has brought the viewer expanded coverage , irregularly spread ; although the season began on 19 August , the first live match will not be broadcast until 29 October .
2 Knighton has hardly been out of the news since announcing his intention to buy United on 18 August , the day before the Football League season began .
3 Training for the new season began on 20 June , earlier than at many professional clubs , and even more astoundingly among amateurs , Dennis 's players renounce mid-week alcohol .
4 The season began badly .
5 The season began in spectacular fashion when , within the first 20 minutes after the helicopter landed , Keizo Yanai , of the Institute of Polar Programs in Tokyo , discovered two stony meteorites lying a few hundred yards away .
6 He was informed , by the captain Alan Butcher , two days before the season began that he no longer held any position of responsibility , Maynard having been promoted in his place .
7 Much of the higher ground was deer forest and access to it was restricted to a short summer season between the time the snows melted and the shooting season began .
8 The wear and tear of the 1991 season began to take its toll on Roebuck 's bad ankle — the left one — and he began to suffer slight dislocations during training while on the World Cup trail with the Wallabies .
9 Thirdly , something James could not know when the season began , 1976 was going to be one of the most contentious seasons , politically and administratively , that I have ever known in the sport , and there were several times in the year when it really looked as though the fates were conspiring to make it impossible for Hunt to win .
10 The season began in January in Brazil and prior to that he had had only a couple of rainy test-sessions at Silverstone .
11 At White Hart Lane , the season began with all the disappointments it could take .
12 A film crew took over the station on Tuesday , June 30 — the last opportunity before the railway 's daily running season began to film sequences of the cast alighting from a train and leaving the station in Pop 's famous Rolls Royce car .
13 ‘ It was a couple of months ago , just before the season began over here .
14 By the time the season began , Topaz was more than ready to take her place in society .
15 A compromise settlement of fifty-four hours was reached , but the union returned to the fifty-one hour claim , this time combined with a demand for better overtime pay and piece-work rates , in September 1872 ( just before the year 's busiest season began ) .
16 As the 1938/39 season began , an off-the-field crisis occurred .
17 Wearing Havvie 's ring , a diamond heirloom given to all Blaine brides , laughing , talking and playing with him as the London season began , Sally-Anne persuaded herself that she was as happy as a girl could be , Terry Rourke 's betrayal wiped out and forgotten .
18 Every week since last September when the chat show season began Mark and his band — Eugene Glenn , Brian Skeffington , Ciara Harrison and Hugh Faloona are the others — have waited in the wings in case a guest celebrity did n't turn up .
19 A fishing agreement was considered necessary by February 1991 , when the squid fishing season began , because the squid fishing grounds straddled both countries ' fishing zones .
20 Training for a new season began with sessions every Wednesday night , held at the Johnstone Burgh ground .
21 He did n't know what was happening between Gesner and Suzi any more , had n't seen either of them since the Season began , since that dreadful scene at Willi 's party , but he knew he had to submit himself to yet another bout of torture and watch them together on the stage .
22 Cricket now , and the new county championship season began today .
23 Gerry said : ‘ Victory over Tipperary was an outstanding reward for everyone involved with this team since the season began .
24 Gerry said : ‘ Victory over Tipperary was an outstanding reward for everyone involved with this team since the season began .
25 Her season began unpromisingly with an attack of shingles which kept her out of action for a couple of weeks but she recovered quickly and so completely that in addition to compiling her formidable record on the golf course , she was able to cope more than adequately with her school exams .
26 In 1989 he took a rest from running junior soccer teams and this season began refereeing in the South Merseyside Junior League .
27 NMFS caved in to pressure from the tuna industry , and claimed that it was possible to place observers aboard only 50 per cent of tuna seiners for the season beginning 1 January 1989 .
28 In this way fertility would be renewed and another season begun .
29 The holiday season begins to get into full swing as our schools close .
30 As Mr Hurd restated yesterday , the aim is to dissuade any further influx of boat people when the sailing season begins again in February .
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