Example sentences of "look after " in BNC.

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1 Many people with AIDS have to spend long periods of time in hospital unless there is someone at home who can help and look after them .
2 When something happens and I ca n't look after myself any more the situation will be different , but at the moment what I 'd really like most is my independence back . ’
3 For older people at home , voluntary organisations such as Age Concern may provide a wide range of services and activities , both to help look after older people with care needs , and to provide day centres , for example , where people may meet others with similar needs or interests .
4 The one point on which Mr Golyadkin and Double were agreed was that there is nobody like God , but it follows pat and false that if a man has nowhere to go God will look after him .
5 Dasha actually wants to come and look after Stavrogin , as actually as Svidrigailov is bored — ‘ especially now ’ , he says , as America looms .
6 But if inflation could be brought quickly down again , the balance of payments would look after itself .
7 Until Lloyds Abbey Life has found a replacement for Mr Seymour , Stephen Maran , finance director , will have responsibility for Abbey Life ( Ireland ) and Gary Jones , sales and marketing director , will look after continental Europe , which includes the German subsidiary .
8 Now comes the Bailies of Bennachie , the voluntary body which helps look after the hill , has almost topped an astonishing 4000 .
9 But many commentators saw only a decline in the desire to rear or look after children , a weakening of the cohesive effects of the family , and an associated diminution of the buoyancy of the stock in terms familiar at least since the Boer War .
10 And he does look after us so well ; we are truly comfortable and urge you to try it . ’
11 Marx believed that the history of human societies was to be explained first of all by the nature of man as an animal who had to obtain a living from his geographical environment , which meant not only staying alive , but also being able to look after one 's offspring until they could look after themselves .
12 Here , in Britain , the attitude of women is quite different ; they may say why should another woman look after my baby or even touch my baby .
13 During the next two weeks you must look after your health .
14 Why ca n't this Sebastian look after his own dog ? ’
15 Sonja helps me look after Marie , but mostly it 's me , cos Sonja 's pretty busy in the kitchen .
16 ‘ I ca n't look after you any more , Billy . ’
17 ‘ Who 'll look after me ? ’
18 Mr Jackson says that maybe someone in the house can look after him .
19 I decide to go up and see Peter and ask if he 'll look after Satan .
20 I reckon Peter 'll look after him OK .
21 Marie could look after the baby and I could help out by going to the shops for fags and milk and stuff like that .
22 ‘ They can look after themselves for once , ’ Frau Nordern said .
23 ‘ I ca n't get used to the idea that you 're growing up and can look after yourself .
24 ‘ They 'll look after you well there , ’ she smiled .
25 If the company does n't look after its documents , does it give it a justification for a journalist being asked to reveal his source ? ’
26 ‘ I 'm enormously attracted to people who can look after themselves .
27 Well , that was all right — she could look after Mum in the hour that was to follow while the identity of the body was established , and in all the grim hours after that , if the body was her sister .
28 Among the grey or greying men in the government is one woman , Akiko Santo , a former actress , who will look after science and technology .
29 The civilians would look after the waves of foreign investment lapping into Thailand , while the armed forces would retain their grip on many state-owned enterprises and would be given a free hand to run Thailand 's relations with its neighbours .
30 Now that Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland have their independence back , they must look after their security for themselves .
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